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06-08-2013 @ 8:18 PM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Aug 2007
Getting an old Thread ready for on line viewing, so cleaning old stuff here to sweep it under the carpet.

GS_Long  12-19-2007 @ 1:46 PM
I would not wipe my butt with Time magazine, from fear I might catch something. They also voted Adolph Hitler and Bush II the same title. BTW, Hitler and Bush II are the absolute worst leaders ever.
Joe xxxxxx
Commandante Pachuco 01-13-2008 @ 9:27 PM Hi Derrick, nice to meet you. Kak delo?
jrucker 01-13-2008 @ 10:47 AM Hi derrick, I appreciate your foreign reporting and the insight that it gives us re Russia, her politics and her people. It and your other writings are both prescient and provacative yet seem ( to me ) terribly scewed in their support of your Beloved President Bush's policy of violence and demonization around the world. If you get your wish and Iran is attacked there will be many Olegs and Valarys beneath the rubble....along with their children, relatives and loved ones all justified with flagwaving and premptive wisdom. Be careful. Bush has concentrated power to the extent that the next 'demon' might be someone you love. JR
TruthPassion 01-18-2008 @ 9:51 PM
You are a "politician". I am a "humanitarian". I see death and destruction where you see America holding onto its failing empire. You are also of the breed of Americans who thrive on violence - as long as it is not in America, killing little American children I presume. I am not a Christian, but I do follow Jesus' basic teachings. One says, "love one another". I also figured that Jesus didn't like us killing little ones in the name of empire. Iraq is a totally destroyed nation. Americans like you saw to that. Bombed the c..p out of her, didn't you. And the "insurgents", Derrick, are actually "freedom fighters". At least I think that's what you'd call them if Russia, for instance, decided to bomb America and some Americans rose up and fought back? I only glanced through the pages upon pages you wrote. I may print these pages off and actually read them right through. It does you good to read how other people think. But if this is "being political", I want no part of it. Your demigod Bush is loathed by many Americans and most people around the world. But you don't really care, do you. Your country has killed millions upon millions of people all around the world in the name of empire, and you can only see the "politics" of it all. That is sad. And evil. I went to Layla Anwar's blog and found she'd attached a YouTube video of Bush being welcomed by Israeli children. Like Layla suggested, I wanted to throw up. Here's the link <>
I read an "interesting" scientific study the other day. According to American scientists - and you can trust Americans to come up with such findings - humans crave violence as much as sex. The urge is as strong and as natural, so it seems. The findings were "conclusive evidence" based on experiments on rats. Must have been American rats, for sure. Yes, America including its "intelligentsia" is plagued with violence. It is a violent society and the ethos of violence is what rules it. Violence in the streets, in the job market, at home, in relationships, in sports and in politics... Violence has many levels and many faces. You can find the whole gamut in the USA. They are experts in violence and they are proficient in exporting it to the four corners of the globe. A package of Coke, McDonald, Disney and Violence. I personally do not agree with this biological determinism, even though, I do concede that America and Israel have not moved beyond primitive, base instincts... For example, an experience I had today shows that violence is not endemic to the human mind, and it is not a natural state as these "scientists" argue. I was in a cab and we were stuck in a long traffic jam. Next to me was a school minibus full of children. They were staring out of the window. So was I. I engaged them. I made clown faces to them, stuck my tongue out and grimaced... They giggled, and stuck their tongues out at me, contorting their faces, and pulling their ears in mockery... We kept at this play for a while. The taxi driver thought I was nuts. The kids loved it and so did I. It was pure joy. We laughed across the window, and then waved goodbye as the traffic finally eased up. I saw no violence in their eyes, no malice, no craving to inflict hurt. Today, children were playing in the streets of Gaza, scores were rushed to hospital with blood pouring out of their little limbs, heads, eyes and nose...Israel bombed Gaza again. 40 dead, 100 injured and out of the 100, 45 were children. 45 children not older than 10, soaked in blood. Their own. They interviewed a little one, about 6, with a bandaged head and the poor little thing was stuttering, with his face swollen up, and his eyes moist with tears... He said "I was playing with my friends, and the bombs fell on us...they wanted to kill me."(they = Israelis, who else?!) Yes you are right little one, they wanted to kill you. They and the Americans are flip sides of the same coin. They grow, thrive and prosper on violence. Their philosophy is like that of the American "scientists." They believe that the urge to kill and maim is as natural as making babies. But with a slight difference. Maybe you will understand it better when you grow up, but I think you already know. You already know that for them, Americans and Israelis, their philosophy can be summed up in one sentence - I can only live if you die. I can only find security by killing you. I can only prosper by impoverishing you. I can only multiply by committing genocide against you. I can only become strong, If I weaken you. And I can only find peace and happiness when I wipe you out and you are no longer. I am sure little one, you know all of that...I am not teaching you anything new here.
You probably also heard that Israel's better half - America has produced 5 million orphaned children in Iraq. In Baghdad alone, 500'000 of them live in the streets in total destitution. This is their way of liberating you and them. The baby killers of Democracy and Human rights. The baby killers of Freedom. But there is something you may have not realized yet. And I am going to let you onto that secret, little one. These people are doomed. The Americans and the Israelis, government and people are doomed. They are spiritually bankrupt and morally corrupt...and they are doomed. You will also realize that even though they oppress, violently oppress, they are also oppressing themselves. They are killing themselves and they know it not. They are eradicating every fiber of humanness inside of themselves, and they have become like those rats in the laboratory. They have managed to transform themselves into monsters, forsaking everything for "Self." They call it self preservation, self nurture, self growth...Do not believe those lies. Their Self is like a empty hole, a bottomless hole, an abyss...They have no Self. Little do they realize how dark it is all around them. Little do they realize... But you and I know it. And through our common pain and struggle, we also know that they have not ceased digging their own graves. You remember those swings? Remember when it goes up it also goes down? Same with them. Remember the merry-go-round ? Remember how you can get dizzy when it spins? They are hideous rats on a merry-go-round. They spin and spin and will fall from their own violence. My words may not be of great consolation to you or your little Iraq friends. They may not soothe you right now.
I know, your head and face are hurting and you just want the pain to go away... So I will whisper it again in your ears as you are fighting to find some rest, as you are struggling to run away from your nightmares...from your terror, Their terror, they the "teghoghists" I will murmur it to you, gently, soflty...little one, until you find some peaceful sleep, if you can. They will NOT last. P.S. For those who would like to watch Bush in a blue tie, with Shimon Peres in a blue tie, standing in front of the Blue and White flag of Shalom land, listening to doves of peace singing, click here <> . But I warn you, this video may give you strong urges, one of which is to violently vomit. Keep a bucket handy next to you, just in case. And by the way, Shimon Peres has had a face lift, he thinks he will live till Eternity ... hahahahaha. Go to her site and get the link Derrick. I am sure you will thoroughly enjoy it. Then dwell, just for a minute, on the million dead Iraqis, Afghanis and Palestinians, the millions of wounded Iraqis etc, the displaced Iraqis, etc. Just for minute. I don't think it will effect your soul too much. You have sold it to the devil that is called "politics" and which brings only death and destruction to those you want out of the empire's way. Daphne
07-17-2008 @ 6:31 PM Paraphrasing Derrick: "Beloved Fuehrer Bush, all these nasty people around you are acting without your authority, you know nothing about it, you are so innocent, I wish you would stop listening to them and listen to me..." Orwell invented the term "double-think". Look it up Derrick, it applies to you.
capro 08-12-2008 @ 7:00 PM Derrick. Many times you comeout sounding quite intelligent but involve geopolitics and you have a definite murderous charachteritic where you think killing is condoned as long as it is for the side you root for. Fair balance should have at least acknowledged that Georgia started the aggression by killing amongst other 10-12 Russian peacekeepers without giving any notice. As a result it seems as if up to 1500 civilians were killed in mindless bombartment. You are entitled to think Putin come out looking like a fool for retailiating. My opinion is of course that he would have looked like a weakling if he hadn't. I have no trust or love for the russian bear but Georgia did first blood so whose ever side you take I don't see how it can be theirs. Micki
If anyone want to relive 2005-2009 at Lemet by the wild man, yours truly, here ya go.
Caution, allot of Wring Wing War Monger Stuff.Trust me, I was loved by all at Lemet.
This is where bill came up with his now famous quote, HE IS ONE STRANGE CAT.

Author Brown FIRE

This message was edited by DerrickMReid on 6-9-13 @ 6:37 AM

06-08-2013 @ 12:42 PM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Aug 2007
TO GS_ Long, in response to Where have you Been?

I retired from Law Practice in 2009 and did not renew at Lemet. Became house husband raising two boys. I kept reading bullion articles, while Perfected the Military Training emulation. 20 years military book reading and 3 years live fire, and its was done last year. In 2012 went to TFMR, its freedby, and Ferguson is great. The turdville following provided a very wide open general news info rush, that I absorbed and that is just incredible. Because of that incredible info rush, figured it out. on 4/29/13 on out how to take down JPM and destroy the ponzie scheme. 3 weeks in May wrote attack plan. However, it was posted in Trudville piece meal, as written, and but was heavily coded, so that JPM could not get it and understand it. So it was coded, and generally unreadable by most. The ex security clearance kicked in. But the attack plan was reduced to writing. last week of May got marketing plan together, for convenient solicitations, as I need 6m$. Now, rewriting attack plan in readable english, man what a pain in the tail, should have it soon. Figure July we sue, if I can raise 6m$ to go for it.

Bill came over to Trudville and posted and I posted in response to COT data. Catherine Fitts picked up on it, I think, just guessing, on my analysis. She then posted in Watch Dog, a couple of days later, where I have been posting comments. Bill and Chris and Turd obviously know what is going on. Its real, it simple, and its fool proof.

The boys are 8 and 10, and now I can fly the nest.
I have a real plan, and can go any time with it.

Rockin in the Free World
Rock On
Even a Caveman can do it

This message was edited by DerrickMReid on 6-10-13 @ 12:00 PM

06-08-2013 @ 4:21 AM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Aug 2007
Rumor has it GLD is going sub 1000 tons. If so, HEADLINES!!!

Damn, got up at 2:20am, which for me is kinda like sleeping in, but then, did not hit the hay until 10ish, yeah, up late. So, starting the day off with a funny, of course.

Derrick Michael Reid says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
June 8, 2013 at 5:51 am <Must be east coast

Sorry Greg, I cant stop, it just way to funny, man, Surfs Up!
But I wont rain in any other thread, trust me, and promise.
And this fitful cat woman thread, makes its an honor as well.
She is such a super mega heavy, and when Im elected the big cheese,
she gets the nod, and you can be press secretary, but until then,


District Courts: Medical Malpractice Lotto Parlors and Illegal Alien Swearing-In Chambers

LMAO!! You are definitely going ROCK STAR.
I just hope the pleasure is not all mine.

Two Updates. Man, I cant help myself, meaning, freedom of speech is great, and talking to yourself can be allot of fun, when you are five hatter, but d*mn it, where are the white coat boys with backup shrinks with dope when you really need them? LOL

Double Dutch Bus: The Honorable Legal Profession Seeking Currency At All Costs and Etheticly Driven Shotgun Claim Jumpers

Sharks: Self Interested Litigators with Clients Seen Coming and Despicable Dispute-Resolution Licensed Monopolists

Patsy Cline Crazy
Gogi Grant Wayward Wind
Benda Lee Im Sorry

Five Hatter, The So-Called Idiot

This message was edited by DerrickMReid on 6-8-13 @ 6:36 AM

06-07-2013 @ 11:21 PM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Aug 2007
So, I took the black belt Boys 8 and 10 to the Keakwondo meet, and from 6:15 to 8:15 they had competition, and the boys passed their level 1 exams, and they got the metal, and certificate, and a Black Belt LEVEL 1 patch, for proudly wearing on the black belt uniform. Of course papa is proud of them, but have had so many meets, kinda no big deal. So got the usual shake treat at carl’s and came home, and decided to skim some postings, and looked again at Strike on the Evil Empire.
And listening to the tune RATT Round and Round, the light bulb went off.

And new slogan for the NOVA SLANG post:

Rat Race: One Percenters hiding money off shore from the IRS RICO Thugs.

oh meh, on the floor. I went peaceful docility to excited hilarity in a heart beat. Meh, what a world, WHAT A WORLD!!! Its a freakin play ground. LMAO!!

play it again sam

This message was edited by DerrickMReid on 6-7-13 @ 11:43 PM

06-07-2013 @ 6:53 PM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Aug 2007
Atta boy, I hope the pleasure was not all mine.
Starting to get some action, you guys are boring.
It seems Rocket Richard has graphics capability.
If anyone would send him a line, asking him to post acknowledge or willingness, say in Midas,
that would be appreciated, as currently looking for extra territorial back up bullion slugger with graphics capability.
Kinda of cool to see Denver Dave and Rocket Richard,
still hanging with Bill since 2008, the last was here.
Hate to trouble busy bill, he already has a task.
But lets note for the record, the claim made.
Taipan74 Said on 6/7/13 "You are an Idiot"
and no changing handles Taipan74.
Never made it to trial, in 10 years,
they always rolled, and expect the same here,
thinking yours was an idiot, of course.
I mean, court jesters, are the absolute worst. lol
Now off to Tae Kwondo Meet, boys 8 10 are getting level add to the Degree Blacks. Papa proud of course.

Kung Fu Fighting
Wang Chung Have Fun Tonight

Now Im a nutter. Are we playing hotter colder? No worries, all men are kind sirs. Love You.

This message was edited by DerrickMReid on 6-9-13 @ 7:37 AM

06-07-2013 @ 7:36 AM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Jun 2013
Your a nutter

This message was edited by Taipan74 on 6-8-13 @ 9:37 PM

06-07-2013 @ 4:39 AM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Aug 2007
Seems So

God's Mission in life, for one Wretch.
Friday, June 7, 2013 2:24 AM
"Derrick Michael Reid"
xxx Christ Soldier xxx

Uncle Pappy, I believe the spirit gave me a mission in life. Dont know if that is part of his grand plan, but it seems God has brought me through life, preparing me over a life time for this. Just a hunch.

Please pump it out as much as can and wish. Yours in Christ, Derrick

This is enough:

USA Strike on the Evil Empire
Posted by Derrick Michael Reid on Thursday, June 06, 2013 10:56:26 AM

If anyone, has a serious bullion, political, and or news connection, send them on, please.


Pressing Buttons as best able, Political, Economic, Bullion, Masonic, Religious, News organizations.

06-06-2013 @ 6:01 PM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Aug 2007
And seeing how some younglins dont have any real fetching up, and this being the 40th anniversary of the Normandy speech, lets help them out, with some real Americana, fetching up, since only a few of us left still have living memories of the glory days gone bye, by two giants of men.

Reagen Normandy
Reagen Berlin
Kennedy DC
Kennedy Berlin

06-06-2013 @ 10:20 AM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Aug 2007
GOP Leadership

You all want a Majority in the Senate and 2/3 lock on the House in 2014?

I can and will do for you all, with a little help. Sincerely. Derrick Michael Reid

06-06-2013 @ 8:23 AM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Aug 2007
Derrick Michael Reid says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
June 6, 2013 at 9:32 am

Mr Hunter, glad you liked it.
But, the brain wont stop, and just added another Slang Term.

Taxpayer Gifts: ZIRP for Greedsters and QE for How Now Dow Cows

Smart Money has it that, that list, USA Nova Slang, will grow over time, only the best of the best, of course. And Surely, Watch Dog put you on the radar map, and you do a great job, keeping us all informed, as a great public service, but that list, Nova Slang, may just make you rock star.

Because when youre hot, youre hot, you really shoot your shot,
and my sincere pleasure, because, you really set me off to a fuller love.


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