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07-25-2013 @ 4:49 PM                          
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Joined: Aug 2007
USA Political Enslaving Turn Coats
Posted by Derrick Michael Reid on Wednesday, July 24, 2013 8:24:22 AM

Three decades of democratic control, was not the problem. If you want to place blame on the Democrat party, to focus on the their foul deed, and that is not pushing socialism or liberal funding, but pushing it at the federal level, forcing all to so fall in line. Sure they push their liberalism, as part of the political dipole, but it was actually the Republicans and the Supreme Court that did the real foul deeds. The Republicans became the Cave-In party, and the Supreme Court gave both parties the go ahead to enslave us all under plenary power, in stead of defending the US Constitution, thus succumbing to political pandering of the political parties. The Republicans modernly looking to play the same game, and that is to buy nanny state votes using the power of the federal purse, at the federal level, that is, vote for me, and Ill give you the goodies, ala Toucqueville 1835. Now its a contest of who can promise the most and who can MOPE the people better, with spin, convention extravaganza, MOPE of the people, and tree chopping at minor issues, to pretend the parties are really different, to get the MSM talking heads all jazzed up. The American people have been had. Today, there is little difference between Reps and Dems. To suggest that its the democrat party sole fault, fails to blame the two other traitors in our mists.  Dems, Reps and Supreme court are all in it together now, and it has been like that for 30 years, hence, no real vote, and the mess we are in.

You have the leftist proposer, the Dems, and the two enablers, the Court and Reps, the devil's trident, of the Evil Empire, which trident is proudly carried by the Walls Street law firms, banksters and greedsters, locking up the system. So, the Dems pushed liberalism at the federal level, in stead of properly pushing liberalism at the state level, with five others team players enabling them, in stead of being checks and balances. Dems were just doing their thing, as they aught to, but at the wrong level of government. Blame for the current mess and lock up is more on the turn-coat Supreme Court not defending the US Constitution, the Cave-In Republicans, and Wall Street greed. There is most of the real blame.

We got rats in the house, giving us all the run around.

RATT - Round and Round (HD music video)

The Evil Empire, Dems, Reps, Supreme Court, Banksters and Greedsters.

Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath

The Black Death of Freedom in the United Socialistic States of America.

Ring around the rosie

07-23-2013 @ 12:08 PM                          
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Joined: Aug 2007
Manuscript Writer Wanted
Posted by Derrick Michael Reid on Tuesday, July 23, 2013 3:05:05 PM
CSULB, UCB, USC, (English Departments) and LemetropoleCafe, TFMetalreport (members) have been solicited to write a book for funding for my 2016 Presidential Bid as a populace.

Are there any English Professors who wants to make a million writing a book. You receive as input 10 years of writings on line, and yours will help you organize it and answer yours questions. The split will 50/50. You teach the world, innate human drivers, the global confluence, real money, gold cartel, Evil Empire, US dilemma, inter alia, and the 2016 presidency of yours. You must know how to copy, cut and paste,  and paraphrase, and thinking is preferred but not required. LOL Any takers? The book will have a good eye catching name, like: USA 2016 National Dilemma, Freedom versus The Evil Empire, (in bold print, and then in smaller print) The Populace Presidential Bid of Derrick Michael Reid with this title overlaid onto a USA Flags and USSA Flags.

Well, all the stuff is already on line. I have it all organized in my mind of course. You start the book describing the world, The Global Confluence, and the Human Innate Drivers which drive the world, then you go into American History for context, then you arrive at the consequences, and the mess we are in, and conclude that there is no solution, but a revamp offered by my candidacy for president, has how party neutral, will revamp the federal government along the lines of the founding fathers and the US Constitution. It all on line of course, but not so organized. But its all there, and now is the time, as if it could go to print in six months, 1 year to get digested, and then 1 year of active campaign. The people are hungry, they just don't know how. All factions would have something to gain by a DMR Administration.

So it seems perfect, and the timing is right. Now is the time.

All of the political factions, Tea Party, NRA OWS, Green Peace, Republicans, Democrats, Monetarialists (gold bugs), Libertarians all get a say so in the administration in department and agency positions, so the DMR Administration is faction and party neutral for all Americans, with no other political candidate, only President and Vice President, for 1-2 terms to revamp the federal government so we all win. We are at a tipping point, and something must be done. I am the only one with a viable solution, and understand the reasons why. So it is timely now.

Problems: Greed, Socialism, Totalitarianism, Fraud, Immigration, Fascism, Electioneering, Greed, Socialism, Totalitarianism, Fraud, Immigration, Fascism, Electioneering, Greed, Socialism, Totalitarianism, Fraud, Immigration, Fascism, Electioneering, Greed, Socialism, Totalitarianism, Fraud, Immigration, Fascism, Electioneering, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, and More-Government, To-Much-Government, and Way-To-Much Government.
Solutions: Abolish all Federal Social Programs, Federal Pay-and-Forget Sales Tax Exclusivity, State In-Rem Property Tax Exclusivity, Real Gold and Silver Coinage Money Exclusivity, Pay Off All Federal and State Present and Future Obligations with 100T FRNs, State Social Safety Nets, Out Law Federal and State Bonds, Out Law Federal and State Debt, Out Law Federal and State Fiscal Deficits, Abolish Paper Money, Abolish Federal Reserve Notes, Redeem FRNs at more than $1,000,000.00 per gold ounce, Abolish the Federal Reserve System, Reward Productivity, Penalize Unproductivity, Free the People From Government, and Restore the Republic.
An Example of a DMR Administration:
If you pay a lawyer a hourly rate, you get allot of hours.
If you pay a lawyer for the job done, you get the job done.
If you have political appointees, you get political work done.
If you have passionate appointees, you get passionate work done.
Get passionate people appointed to the right job, and you get allot of focused work product.

Green Peace: EPA, Dept of Energy, Dept of Interior
Tea Party and Blue Dogs: Dept of Treasury and IRS
NRA: Dept of Homeland Security, FBI, FEMA
Libertarians: President Vice President Dept of Justice, National Service Council
Democrats: Dept of Housing, Dept of Education, Dept of State, Office of Management and Budgets
Republicans: Dept of Commerce, Depart of Labor, Dept of Transportation, Dept of Intelligence Collection
Monetarialists: US Mint, Commodities Future Trading Commission
Wall Street Occupiers: Securities and Exchange Commission, Federal Reserve Chairman
Independents: Dept of Veterans Administration, Dept of Defense

United States of America Anthem (The Star-Spangled Banner)

The Hollies - On a Carousel
"SECRETARIAT" Greatest Race Horse of All Time - Kentucky Derby Preakness Belmont Stakes 1973 Video

They Will Never Take Our Freedom - Braveheart (3/9) Movie CLIP (1995) HD

Steelers Renegade AFC Championship game 2011

This message was edited by DerrickMReid on 7-25-13 @ 4:48 PM

07-23-2013 @ 7:40 AM                          
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Joined: Aug 2007
Mr Mike Capro Senator ID
Senate Committee on Banking
Hearing on JPM and the Gold Cartel
CC Richard Shelby Senator AL

I have written a 160 page document that lays out the case against JPM and the Gold Cartel. It is confidential, as it describes how to sue JPM and take them down for manipulating commodities gold and silver market, racketeering  RICO, breach of stock holding fiduciary, fraud, interference, treason, and sedition against the USA. It lays JPM nefarious activity taking over from Goldman Sacks in 2009.

I am willing to send you a copy for the ammo at the JPM hearing, if you wish and if you contact by email requesting the same.

Derrick Michael Reid, BS JD
26 La Costa Court
Laguna Beach California 92651

Mr Mike Capro, Senator  ID

If Capro office contacts me, I will prepare a declaration, and have the 160 page attack plan attached along with profile, showing expertize in the bullion markets, all 3 documents to be admitted into the public record at the senate hearing.

Senate Members are smart enough, to get it, completely.

CC Richard Shelby, R-AL Senator



I Derrick Michael Reid, do hereby declare and state.

1) I am a Retired Engineer and Patent Lawyer, DOB 6/30/54, Cleveland Ohio, and a citizen of the United States.

2) I have studied the Gold and Silver Bullion Markets since 2001.

3) I fingered China as secretly buying gold on 4-1-2009.

4) I would qualify as an expert in the Bullion Markets in the judicial courts.

5) It is my opinion that JPM leads a cartel of bullion banks to manipulate the bullion comex prices, to pick up physical bullion, and treasonously deliver the same to China, and has so for the last four years.

6) In support of this declaration, I submit a 160 page document, which show how to sue JPM to stop their nefarious operations.

7) In support of this declaration, I submit, the following articles 7a-i, written by me, and collectively located here:

8) In support of this declaration, I submit, my profile located under the handle Mad5Hatter, located here:

9) I declare under penalty of the laws of the United States that the foregoing is true and accurate, this declaration executed this day July 23 2013 in the City of Laguna Beach California 92651

Derrick Michael Reid, BS JD California Bar# 106903
26 La Costa Court, Laguna Beach California 92651

07-21-2013 @ 5:06 PM                          
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Joined: Aug 2007
We stand at the threshold of totalitarian-Socialism, but it will not last, it will snap, so what is the outcome? Freedom, Economic Collapse, Civil War, Total Anarchy, or Totalitarian Stalinism? You make the call.

Today, the most fundamental question of all was posed to USA.

Will A Lincoln’s December 2nd 1862, last hope of earth implode into ruination ala Alex de Toucqueville, or do we see the light and implement the solutions now presented before your eyes.,_hat_in_the_ring.thtml

Proposed First Cut of Administration:

Derrick Michael Reid President (Libertarian Green Peace Real Monetarialist)
Rand Paul would make a good Vice President (Libertarian)
Karl Rove would made a good Chief of Staff (Republican)
Laura Ingraham would make a good Press Secretary (Republican)
Dianne Finestein would make a good Secretary of State (Democrat)
Loretta Sanchez would make a good Treasury Secretary (Democrat)
William Black would make a good Attorney General (Independent) I like the beard actually.
Martin E Dempsey Secretary Dept of Defense (Independent)
Johathan Greenert Chairman Joint Chief of Staff (Independent)
Donald Trump Dept of Commerce (Republican)
XX Dept of Education (Democrat most likely)
XX Dept of Transportation (Republican most likely)
XX Dept of Housing and Urban Development (Democrat most likely)
XX Dept of Labor (Republican most likely)
XX Dept of Homeland Security (NRA qualified ranking member most likely)
XX Dept of the Interior (Green Peace qualified ranking member most likely)
XX Chairman of the Federal Reserve (OWS qualified ranking member most likely)

This message was edited by DerrickMReid on 7-21-13 @ 11:25 PM

07-19-2013 @ 7:56 PM                          
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Joined: Aug 2007

USA Wall Street and 2016 Presidency
Posted by Derrick Michael Reid on Wednesday, July 17, 2013 12:19:42 PM
There are only two positions that I'm interested in, to come out of retirement, JPM hit man, and US President 2016, both jobs are easy to do, seemingly, but both require support from others. JPM take down needs 500K$ and US Presidency about 50,000,000 votes.

July 2013 to November 2013 stand ready to take down JPM in the bullion Space
July 2013 to November 2014 Teach politics by Blog
November 2014 to November 2015 campaign for the Presidency.

Of course, taking down JPM in the bullion space as a litigator to start destroying the Wall Street undue influences, or eliminating the National Debt and Restoring the Republic as 2016 President, both would take work, and are not easily believed by nearly all, but I know how, but only need support, so, the services are offered at this time. The word is out on my blog Totalitarian Democracy, as well as at TFMetalsreport and LemetropoleCafe, and by Emails and Twitters, to various groups, and that is the best I can do presently, without pestering anyone.

Totalitarian Democracy:
TFMetalsReport: Mad5Hatter
LemetropoleCafe: DerrickMReid
Email: Derrick Michael Reid

07-19-2013 @ 7:55 PM                          
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Joined: Aug 2007
1-1-13  1-1-12 1-1-11 1-1-10

1681  1590 1405 1113 Gold

30.85 28.78* 30.67 17.15 Silver

*Silver is more volatile, and missed a higher high yearly closed by 6%

Currently 1296 and 19.52 at mid 2013.

Bull has in deed been stressed, and 400$ rise in Gold and 12$ Rise in Silver,

is desired by close 2013, to keep the bull alive on paper price action.

With JPM long Gold and Long Silver, Hoarding Silver and Tapped out in Gold,

the stage is set for a huge rally in bullion, to ride the bull to the closing bell.
JPM Long Gold (June 16 Ferguson ) Week Ending June 30, Demanding JPM go long Silver (June 22 Mad5Hatter). Gold 1192 Silver 18.61 (June 28 Kitco) The COT strongly indicates a rally. (July 3 tyberious) LIFT OFF call (July 3 Mad5Hatter). Seasonals suggest end of August take off. (July 8, Mad5Hatter) COT Flip Bullion Banks net long.(July 10 Ferguson). JPM is Hording Silver (July 11 Ferguson) The jig is up (July 12 Murphy)

Post Time 6/30/13: and there they go, mad5Hatter calling the race.
Sham-JPM Farce-BHO Clown-FED Comedian-BSB Coupon-FRN BankNote-GBP Gold-AGE Silver-ASE

July 1 19.65 July 2 19.38 July 3 19.72 July 5 18.90 Coming out of the Gate, Sham has an early lead by a head, Farce is in 2nd by a 1/2 length, Clown and Comedian running 3rd and 4th by a full length, next is Coupon and BankNote in 5th and 6th by a 1/4 length, with Gold and Silver trailing the pack.

July 8 19.07 July 9 19.26 July 10 19.45 July 11 20.15 July 12 19.91 Down the back Stretch, Sham opens lead by 1/1 length, Farce 1/4 lenght ahead of Comedian moving into 3rd by a head over Clown 4th a length ahead of Coupon, BankNote, Gold, Silver bunching up in 5th 6th 7th 8th.

July 15 19.92 July 16 20.01 July 17 19.28 July 18 19.37 July 19 19.52 Coming into the first Turn, Sham still leads by a length, Farce dropping Comedian fading tied with Clown 2nd 3rd 4th a length ahead of Coupon, BankNote, Gold, Silver bunched in 5th 6th 7th 8th.

The Hollies - On a Carousel
USA The Beginning of the End
Posted by Derrick Michael Reid on Thursday, July 18, 2013 6:41:11 PM
This post will be a log that marks significant events of the success of the Evil Empire. With Bankster and Greedster cemented Market Rigging, Mala en Se, Undue Influences over government, FED printing and monetary FRN inflation, National Debt Limit Raises, National Debt Increases, Fiscal Budget Increasing Deficits, Political Party Stalemate, Presidential Lock Up, Open Loop Supreme Court Interpreting Plain Language, the stage is set for national failure and ruination. So lets objectively follow the end of times. The Beginning of the End for Freedom, its death by one of four most likely results, and they are:

Economic Collapse, Civil War, Total Anarchy, Totalitarian Stalinism.
1) Detroit Declares Bankruptcy despite an Administration Changing GM Corp Heads and GM Bail Outs. 7/18/2013
2) Labor Force Participation rate was about 59% during the 1950s when one parent worked, but during the 1960-1998, the participation rate grew as women entered the work force, be it by choice or necessity, and peaked to about 67% in 1998, and has declined every since, despite women entry, and currently stands at about 64%, the trend is rolling off from the high on a downward trajectory. 7/19/2013
3) Unemployment rate is 15% according to, moving from 8% to about 17% at the time of the 2008 financial crises, but in the presence of QE money printing of 3T$, and various stimulus package, the labor rate, hitting men mostly, has had only a 2% reduction from 17% to 15%, entering a long term persistent high rate.  7/19/2013
4) The inflation rate is running at 5%, and with ZIPR, a negative 5% per year return of saving dollars, with negative real interest rates, such at Dollar Savings, Treasuries, and Bonds are experiencing an actual negative return for dollar denominated holders.
5) The Federal Reserve balance sheet is 3T$ as it prints paper money trying to stimulate the economy and accommodating perpetual federal deficits, as the US economy enters a state of stagflation.
6) The National Debt is 14T$ such that FED can not raise interest rates, to provide a real cost of money, without the fiscal deficits hitting a "Fiscal Cliff", and thus the Government and FED bank have painted themselves into a corner, with the Bond Market ready to collapse, with any significant increase in interest rates. Bond Market Collapse is likely to occur if the FED fund rate approaches traditional 4% range, thus, the FED is perpetually trapped into low interest rates and QE to infinity, until the FRN finally collapses during US economic devastation.  
7) The Administration political attacks personal guns ownership using false pretense of criminal safety, as the DHS procures armor vehicles and billions of rounds of ammunition, ostensibly for crowd control and riot prevention, as a play against civilian lawlessness during prospective civilian anarchy so as to reinforce the totalitarian Stalinism control of the people by the US Federal Government.
8) Several of the many states have considered enacting Gold and Silver legal tender laws and bullion depositories in response to out-of-control federal paper money printing as a protection for the states against the collapse of the FRN.
9) Rabobank has followed ABN Amro which effectively defaulted customer gold by halting deliveries of gold bullion in April, as the Dutch bank will close customers’ gold accounts 9/1/2013. Bullion Banks are defaulting sticking Gold holders with paper money. 7/19/2013.

Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath

Ring around the rosie
The Black Death of Freedom in America

07-12-2013 @ 12:02 PM                          
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Joined: Aug 2007
USA Open Loop Totalitarian Politics

There are many systems that can become inherently unstable. The Shuttle disaster enabled many mortals to witness the reentry catastrophe before their very eyes. It started simply enough, in some loose heat shields tiles on the outer surface, but they got hot coming in, and the heat burn its way through the outer vehicular shell, and eventually caused loss of life and vehicular destruction. There was no negative feedback involved really, as once the bird entered, there was no turning back, and there was no way of preventing that disaster once the heat took root and spread. The US is heading toward ruination, if not civil war between totalitarians and freedom lovers, because currently there are sufficient feedback controls.  

Control of systems are very important to maintain integrity during sustained operations. In control systems, there are control features usually within subsystems that are nested and contain many negative feedback loops that provide stable operations of the over all system. Take for example, a simple operational amplifier having positive and negative inputs, and an output, and having a gain of the differential between the two inputs. Internal to the amplifier are typical compensation networks to maintain high performance gain over wide bands of operations of interests. The output can be feedback to the negative input for providing negative feedback control. If the output swings wildly one way, the output is fed back to the negative input so that the output swings back the other way, so as to maintain a stable output function using negative feedback. It works to provide a stable output control using negative feedback. However, if the output runs open loop as not connected back or even worse positively fed back to the positive input, for providing positive feedback, that subsystem quickly explodes in a failure and lock up of control and stable operations leading to failures over the wide bands of operation.

In the case of government, these is currently lock up in a totalitarian state of supreme governmental control over the people. There are a couple of noteworthy unstable and out of control subsystems now in government play. The first one is directed to the Wall Street Banksters and Greedsters. The second one is directed to campaign contributing government entities. Both of which, are presently totally out of control lacking necessary feedback so as to be unable to provide stable government functions over wide bands of political interests. One need only look at the regular parade in congress, where many stand to be heard, pounding their chest, but really only chopping trees, rather than addressing the more important issues of providing stable government over wide bands of political interest. It’s a MOPE pandering and propaganda show regularly displayed for the people from DC, as the politicians and political machines run the MOPE pandering play time and again, allegedly against each other, which regular pandering shows, the media and people just love to watch, in between episodes of Orange County Housewives, as there is little difference in practice, each having staring roles and specific talents used.

But there is fundamental difference between these two forms of unstable government subsystems. The Banksters and Greedsters are generally private companies having US Justice and US Agency regulations of interstate commerce as the negative feedback control with massive campaign contribution to lock in their undue influences. With the US Attorney General proclaiming that the Wall Street Banksters and Greedsters are now TBTF TBTJ, and with convenient market loop hole laws, where playing the rules allow Mala en Se to fester, as now the US Justice and US Agencies are unable to effectively regulate the markets, as governmental negative feedback has now totally failed the people. The Banksters and Greedster are presently operating open loop, looting and robbing the public at will with impunity. Campaign contributing government entities further lack necessary feedback control and are generally operating in positive feedback resulting in totalitarian lock up of the government, as the campaign contributions are directed mostly to the DNC and RNC pandering political machines both having a self centered vested interest in locking up political futures to rig the election process so as to provide the people effectively no vote at all.

In 1776, our founding fathers were faced with a simple type of information flow, the printed news papers, and provided one man one vote, during simple and short electioneering processes, relying on a free press and the aggregate intelligence of the electorate to control a very limited federal government, as set forth in the US Constitution, to provide the people with personal liberties. Fast forward to the information age, where the unwieldy vast federal complex, the MSM political MOPE and pandering, the use of government funded entities to run open loop in their campaign contributions, the TBTF TBTJ Banksters and Greedsters robbing the people blind, the demise of short electioneering processes enabling year round pandering MOPE, the year round MOPE of the dopes pandering of the DNC and RNC political machines, have collectively, locked up significant political choice, while the people are led to believe there is actually a choice in the voting booths. The 110 year game has been played to perfection, to sucker the people into willing walk and vote themselves into the gas chambers of totalitarian rule and political stalemate.

Both major political machines comprise apparatchiks rapping themselves up in the US Flag, as fascicle, with lapel pins showing everywhere, showboating founding father principles and the US Constitution. How noble. How honorable. How Patriotic. What a farce. But it is a really a con game played upon the American people, who still have some lingering patriotic notions of our founding father principles, such as, the concepts of one man one vote, the use of honest real money, and the US Constitution of personal liberties, for the people, and by the people. My how patriot the people still are, yet they are conditioned by political MOPE, pandering, and propaganda by the major political parties, such as, through thousands of balloons falling at conventions and bands playing patriotic hymns with the double-dutch bold proclamations made time and again, that all kind of sound good at first, following years of grand standing patriotic speeches and MSM pandering broadcasts, while the US Courts effectively throw out the plain language of the US constitution, while campaign contributing governmental entities effective destroy one man one vote, while the DNC and RNC both MOPE, pander, and propagandize the people, to lock up the voting booth and political power. The people are now willing suckers to that grand farce, but who innately want to keep the founding fathers' dreams alive, as the political con game is played upon the people for all its worth. We can call these days, the totalitarian dream time, as Americans are reduced to wondering Aborigines, stuck in perpetuity, out in a desert waste land, effectively in locked down and self enslaved on dry sands of ruinations, yet the people are still clutching US Flags of fifty stars standing for a republic trashed long ago, with copies of that old rag, the US Constitution, and some of those US Minted real money gold and silver coins in their pockets, of days gone by. How patriotic the people still are.

But my friends, the good news is that the solutions are easy to have so as to restore and recapture our founding father principles. In so doing, we all can waive again without inherent duplicity, the US Flag and live by that cherished US Constitution, using honest real money, without being suckers of the political MOPE, pandering and propaganda of machines now in lock step and securely in place. We can, as a people, break the bondage of totalitarian political stalemate, political usury and economic ruination. It can be done, and it can be done now. We can restore this nation, its founding principles, and have once again, an honest Government and a truly great society.

Dismantling the MOPE, pandering, and propaganda of the political machines can be perfected in large measure, by simply eliminating all federal government social services under Constitutional Limited Government, eliminate the national debt, and replace the FRN with honest real money, which federal social services are used by both major political machines as part of their totalitarian enslavement of the people. The DNC and RNC apply a full court press upon the people, that can only be defeated when people rise up to change direction and save the ship of state. The federal government can then unleash resources and man power upon the Wall Street Banksters and Greedsters by fully regulating interstate commerce and to fully prosecute the market bandits, thereby destroying TBTF TBTJ undue influences over our government, and thus rending our markets fair for all while government functions and the people are freed again, freed again, praise God almighty, we all can be freed again.

The federal government can quickly repeal enabling laws that prohibit contribution from campaign contributing public entities, to restore our founding fathers' principles of one man one vote. State colleges and university professors and students are generally leftist, naturally so, as self interest is an innate human trait, and is perfected through grants, salaries, and loans from state and federal governments. So, what did you expect? The colleges and universities are campaign contributing public entities and the student populations represent voting power blocks which are now used as part of the lock up of political stalemate and the enslavement of all of us. All federal, state, county, and municipal publicly funded entities or those private entities receiving significant government funds should be prohibited from contributing campaign money to any political party or individual, so as to restore one man one vote. Student loans should be vested with the state governments and let the state manage their own internal affairs. General federal grants to state colleges and universities should be terminated and let the states manage their own, cost effectively so, while removing the debt enslavement of our graduating seniors, so they may enter the work force free from the shackles of government and bankster debt enslavement.

As it currently stands, the political and government systems run open loop or with positive feedback, without the necessary stable control in negative feedback. The federal government, through MOPE, pandering and propaganda of the political machines, feeds the state colleges, universities, professors and students, who in turn support even more government, which in turn feeds even more to the state colleges, universities, professors and students, which in turn, support even more government, and so on, in an uncontrolled positive feedback loop, that is simply and totally out of control. The system needs to be re-engineered with proper feedback for stable control and operations over a wide band of diverse interests.

In the context of labor, private entities that do not receive federal funding, and hence, are truly private, freedom of contract enables collectivize labor unions, as a push-pull on managements, providing nested negative feedback controls. Currently, however, the labor unions with campaign contributions provide more power to lock up of the totalitarian governmental complex. Unions contribute campaign funds and force members to contribute campaign funds. Unions are private entities, if not government funded, and are free to do so. But, the work place must be a free one with worker choice. There is nothing inherently wrong with labor unions. All employees have the right to work or not work for a private entity having collectivized unions, and hence, thereby, the right not to contribute through unions, nor have forced contributions by workers, as workers should be free to choose who they will or will not work for. An outer loop of feedback control is the higher costs associated with all the goodies offered to working union members from the labor union. The labor unions can well bankrupt a private company or render a private company cost inefficient and more poorly able to compete in the market place, as the control negative feedback. Management should be able to fire employees at will and or move to a new locations where workers are not so prone to collectivize. There are feedback mechanisms in place if union laws do not force or enable totalitarian rules upon the labor unions and workers.

Walls street bankster and greedster can be contained. TBTF and TBTF banksters and greedsters can be controlled to provide fair markets. The federal government can be limited. The republic can be restored. Campaign contributing public entities can be contained to restore one man one vote. Collectivized work forces can be contained yet free. But it all starts with founding father principles and the plain language of the US Constitution, and then re-engineering existing governmental systems toward those founding father roots.

I can do that, with your collective support.

University of California Golden Bears Fight Song
USC fight song

Beach Boys - Surfin Usa (Live, 14 March 1964)
United States of America Anthem (The Star-Spangled Banner),_one_nation_under_god.thtml

This message was edited by DerrickMReid on 7-12-13 @ 12:08 PM

07-10-2013 @ 8:28 AM                          
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Joined: Aug 2007
USA FED Bank is following the Script
Posted by Derrick Michael Reid on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 7:49:10 AM

The FED bank is printing like there is no tomorrow. Of course, the banksters (Wall Street Banks) and the greedster (Wall Street Bullion Bank) are making out like bandits, that they are, but one must use the tools at hand to accomplished the result. The political area is locked up into totalitarian rule, led by BHO, REID and PELOSI, to pander socialism and totalitarianism to the people, using the manipulative "poor me" routine, often used by my 2nd grader when mama aint playing ball. But that is the political reality facing the FED bank. Nonetheless, the FED bank is following the script to perfection. Next up, is restoring the Republic. Here are some comments for your understanding.

And my prediction from Jan 06' of THE BI-CURRENCY TRIPTYCH.

FROM XXXXX: I find it rather odd that almost every night recently JPM House stands for delivery of a large number of silver contracts, but no one on this board (including Turd) or any other commentator like Ted Butler, Harvey Organ, Jeff Nielson, Bill Murphy, etc. has any comment on it. On top of that, there is no resulting change in JPM's Registered silver balance at the Comex resulting from it.


My response:

JPM first went long gold as they raided GLD through Melon.

Yours indicated to watch for JPM going long Silver and raiding SLV.
Jun 7, 2013 ... Submitted by Mad5Hatter on June 7, 2013 - 11:51am. .... keeping up the OI in silver (near all-time highs), while gold OI is dropping like a fly on Raid. ... Since JPM is custodian of SLV, and the prospectus allows the custodian to ...

I, as Mad5Hatter, gave JPM until end of June to go long silver, or its jail time.
Jun 19, 2013 ... Submitted by Just A Regular Guy on June 20, 2013 - 6:53am. .... Submitted by Mad5Hatter on June 20, 2013 - 7:24am. .... has been made public and Snake and Medusa have been given until this weekend to go long silver, or silver platter jail time, whatever, ... JPM as indicated did go long last week in gold.

Many years ago, 2006, I gave the FED the script.

In the event of an intentional or unintentional collapse of fiat moneys, the USA and her Anglo sisters would certainly survive a global fiat collapse better than most. While wars are often used to place an aggressor nation above others in power, control, influence, and wealth, the current progress of human cultural evolution is to avoid wars were possible and cooperate together for the common good. It seems then, that an alternative to war has been found, this time around, as the Anglo world could do the same by placing itself as the financial rulers of the world in a globalized world economy, in a war free global community, without firing a shot, by simply collapsing the FRN through uncontrolled fiat money printing while retaining backup real gold and silver coinage sustained production.


With TARP, ZIRP and QE, resulting in the inevitable collapse of FRN, with US Minted bullion gold and silver coinage, the last ditch defense to total anarchy in the US, the Greedsters sell for profit to China, which is, on its surface, d*rn right treason, but apparently treason is ok, and they get a pass from the US Government, while the US secretly is keeping enough bullion at home, for the long term purpose.

The Fed is setting the stage for the collapse of the FRN, while the centralized political power in DC is in lock up with national debt and fiscal debt under the totalitarians in control, while the Greedstes are committing facial treason in support, and get a pass from the Attorney General, and its working out apparently according to plan. Next we must end Bankster and Greedster undue influences, restore the republic and eliminate the national debt, while changing the IRS code to a consumption based tax regime, to free all Americans from Government and conserve national resources.

The socialistic totalitarian tools are the IRS code penalizing income and prosperity, and paper money that is a fraud and that aint worth a continental, the later is in process of going down, the former would take political will to accomplish, to free all Americans from absurd socialistic totalitarian rule under control by the Government now in political lock up unable to resolve the stalemate.

I seek to change the IRS code, destroy the FRN, destroy undue influences, eliminate the national debt, and restore the Republic, to free Americans from totalitarian centralized control by the US Government.

I can and will do exactly that, with your collective support.
Murphy was so gracious to post the 3 early writings, Le Trec I thing, way back in 2006.

07-09-2013 @ 3:28 PM                          
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Joined: Aug 2007
USA and the Libereens
Posted by Derrick Michael Reid on Tuesday, July 09, 2013 4:14:26 PM
The proposed political party, the Libertarian-Green party presently has a member of one, but there is always one who breaks the mold and ventures forth where none dare travel, such as in 1492. This new party would only have an HQ staff for logistics, and members only to the extent necessary of offering yours to the country as a commander in chief as that is the call of duty, and no more. There is no interest in money, libraries, personal glory, perpetual political power, but only righting the ship of state, at this time, before its too late, where when, all can join and help this noble cause to save the country from ruination and collapse.

The formal presidential party name will be changed come election time, to just a three syllable name, The Libereens, embracing A) Liberty with a party banner of the 13 stars spangled banner at war with totalitarians, 2) Green Peace with mother nature, and 3) the Sharp bayonets of the Marines from the Shores of Tripoli to the Halls of Montezuma. The Libereens shall have no other candidate for public office other than US President and Vice President. The Purpose of this party shall be to bring the other political parties together to elect a US Commander in Chief and Vice Commander, under one cause, and that is to right the ship of state, before we all hit the breakers in ruination, despair and collapse.

The country needs political diversity and free speech from all quarters. The Democrat, Republican, Green Peace, Libertarian, Tea Party, Occupiers, NRA Riflemen, Gold Bugs, Spiritualists, Nonspiritualists, Socialist, Communist, Minority, Supremacy, etc, and other political parties and communities may keep their leaders, agenda and rank and file in tact, without hostility from this new Libereen party. The Libereens shall deem the political beliefs of all Americans as necessary for the continuation in the out years our great country. However, we must as a nation come together to right the ship of state as our founding fathers sought and as the plain language of the US Constitution prescribes, before the ship of state hits the breakers.

Each Senator and Congressman from their respective state can preach any desired political agenda desired for their state. Each State can choose for itself how to conducts its internal business and politics within the frame work of our limited federal government. The US Governments' primary role is to protect the country and its borders from invasion, regulate interstate commerce, protecting election rights and to divest to the many states the primary responsibility of regulating social issues so as to restore the republic. All political parties and the Americans will benefit from a one time service of a non-aligned political leader who will seek rapid and drastic changes needed so as to provide basic solutions to all in this great country.

Righting the ship of state, particularly from the banksters and greedsters and totalitarians will take persuasion, after the initial shock of the agenda below, the good and necessary many reasons therefore, and its prospective rapid implementation, as all must admit, its all pretty heavy for the rank and file to absorb in one fast take. Many naturally are disbelieving and underwater with it, but there are many bright people about with means. Furthermore, 2016 is a couple of years off, so there is the time to teach, and with skill, and determination, there is a possibility of success before we all hit the breakers. I have just begun to fight, and will not give up the ship for all of you, my friends.

Problems: Greed, Socialism, Totalitarianism, Fraud, Immigration, Fascism, Electioneering, Greed, Socialism, Totalitarianism, Fraud, Immigration, Fascism, Electioneering, Greed, Socialism, Totalitarianism, Fraud, Immigration, Fascism, Electioneering, Greed, Socialism, Totalitarianism, Fraud, Immigration, Fascism, Electioneering, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, and More-Government, To-Much-Government, and Way-To-Much Government.
Solutions: Abolish all Federal Social Programs, Federal Pay-and-Forget Sales Tax Exclusivity, State In-Rem Property Tax Exclusivity, Real Gold and Silver Coinage Money Exclusivity, Pay Off All Federal and State Present and Future Obligations with 100T FRNs, State Social Safety Nets, Out Law Federal and State Bonds, Out Law Federal and State Debt, Out Law Federal and State Fiscal Deficits, Abolish Paper Money, Abolish Federal Reserve Notes, Redeem FRNs at more than $1,000,000.00 per gold ounce, Abolish the Federal Reserve Bank, Reward Productivity, Penalize Unproductivity, Free the People From Government, and Restore the Republic.
The Hollies – On a Carousel
“SECRETARIAT” Greatest Race Horse of All Time – Kentucky Derby Preakness Belmont Stakes 1973 Video

This message was edited by DerrickMReid on 7-9-13 @ 4:24 PM

07-08-2013 @ 4:38 AM                          
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Joined: Aug 2007
over at turdville, I went off, enjoy:

XXXXXX puts the notice:

Sinclair in Chicago July 8
Submitted by XXXXXX on July 7, 2013 = 6:54am.

If any Turdites are attending the meeting and would like to meet for lunch, the Berghoff Restaurant at 17 W. Adams is a block away from the Palmer House.  They open at 11 am and I will be there around 11:15 am.

A couple of fellow Turdites will be joining me and we look forward to meeting more of you. It would be fun to put some faces with names.  You can ID me by my gold baseball cap.  Look forward to meeting you.

PM me if your interested so I can get a count for the restaurant.


Hey Joe
Submitted by Mad5Hatter on July 7, 2013 = 9:29am.

While you're there, I mean, if nothing is really going on, except bunch of yakity yak cows complaining, ask Santa, the tanz hag, if he has any spare change, to like, solve his freaking problem, as I cant panhandle that far, arms are to short.

Brainwave: print a copy of the 500K Plan B, to take along in your hand to shoot your old lady down, by getting in front of the mic, on my behalf, and ask the hag why the bullion heavies have not yet funded the proposed 500K take down of JPM so as to end the reign of terror in the bullion markets. :o

Jimi Hendrix = Hey Joe

Another brainwave, lightening strikes me again and again,

print 100 copies of the 500K Plan B here.
See the PROLOGUES ...
Submitted by Mad5Hatter on July 7, 2013 = 5:08am.

Get to the conference 1 hour early, and pass them out kindly to people entering.

Sinclair will be flaggergasted
Eric King will think it OUTSTANDING as usual.
Sprott will be beside himself and that golden Ifle tower
Trud will chit a brick
Murphy will be on the floor
The cows will start screaming, half scared to death
you will make code=prink look like sissies,  
and baby you will rock this world. LOL!!!

Lou Christie = Lightnin' Strikes


Submitted by Mad5Hatter on July 7, 2013 = 10:21am.

you bet, hatter just hit the trip wire, and the explosion is in motion, as next we all will get another scathing pointed essay from California Lawyer on public MOPE, political terrorism, and market interventions. LOL!

George McCrae == Rock your Baby (1974)
VAN McCOY = the hustle (1975) (HQ)

both sides can play this game, and its about time the bugs went on offense.

Two of Hearts By Stacey Q (HQ)

In the mean time, lets twist the cat's tail, and little more.

@JamesGRickard Hope 2nd book how precisely JPM gets client hedges to naked short 400tons/min, Fraud, GLD or CB, what say U?

The answer could also be Gold Cartel racketeering, but nonetheless also interference, ie. criminal price rigging.  You wait till its grab balls time. The Merrill Lynch Wall Street Bull is gonna squeak, real loud.
THEN CAME FANTASY LAND, totally off the charts!!

So, PM 7/7/13 joe stays up all night making copies of the 500K attack Plan B,
leafetts for passing out at the door of the Sinclair yakety Yak conference
In AM 7/8/13 joe, dressed in civilian clothes, under cover, passes out copies of attack plan B to would be attendants at Santa's conference.
During the conference, there is a restless undertone, who would have known?
At 10am 7/8/13 at the show, joe hits the mic, and asks Santa directly, why have not the gold heavies funded attack plan B,
there is immediate uproar from the audience, at the conference, many standing, with fists clinched, loud voices everywhere, in sympathy for the question posed by good ole turdville JOE,
Raucous cheers are heard loud and clear, the crowd is becoming unruly
Security to the conference is summoned, quickly, the police are called by 911, while,
Mr Gold is ushered off the podium surrounded by personal security guards and body guards with pistols brandished in plain view,
FBI types in plain clothes hit the hotel floor where the conference is had.
Security rushes into the conference room, weapons drawn, in body armor.
Joe is hand cuffed on the spot, and is dragged away, last heard screaming, "DONT TAZ ME BRO"!!!
Joe is incarcerated in the local precinct, guards with assault rifles are posted 24/7
Court appointed psychologists are summed with injections and pills to sedate JOE in prison behind bars.
Street occupiers hit the street yelling in unison, RELEASE JOE, RELEASE JOE, in an impromptu demonstration for free speech.
O'Reilly on the No=Spin issues a talking condemning civil unrest in America
Hannity, throws spit balls, footballs, and slated curves ball directly at Joe for  stirring the pot and encouraging civil disobedience.
BHO from the oval office asks the country to remain calm
NY hoodies with Greedster hit contracts in hand, lurk about Hatter's home
CIA types hit Hatter's track with heat detection cameras looking for NY Hoodies
Ferguson is chitting bricks, but fumbling the buttons on big boy pants, its touch and go
Rickards drops off radar, having to rewrite chapter 5, of his 2nd new book.
Trudites pop butter popcorn, as field reports hit the wire at turdville
California lawyers hits the keyboard with another scathing lambasting essay of the police state locking up poor Joe exercising free speech rights
Turd posts the scathing essay to rally turdite support, as California Lawer post  comments numbers hit all time turdville highs
Turd passes a big yellar for donations for bond money to "FREE JOE", the new trudville hue&cry
Eric King on KWN interviews Santa in  a very important interview about the nasty occurrence, and the civil lawlessness and disobedient to authority
Eric King on KWN interviews Embry in a another just stunning interview about the global degeneration going on everywhere as shown at the Santa conference.
Joe is finally released from the jail cell, still whistling the tune to the pink panther, with tazer burns from head to toe, and black eyes from police interrogations, and wet hair from water boarding.
Eric Sprott coughs up the doe, and mad hatter launches attack plan B.

Just another day at turdville and LeMet ....

The Pink Panther Theme Song (Original Version)

This message was edited by DerrickMReid on 7-9-13 @ 3:30 PM

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