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05-16-2018 @ 11:48 AM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Jun 2016
The Deep State has some "currency" now. Some believe
it to be a cabal of entrenched bureaucrats and like
thinking politicians hell bent on destroying Trump's
presidency and advancing their agenda of global
government. Does it really exist - it probably does.  
While this may come as a shock to some folks,
America has had a succession of deep states since
before it's founding.

The signers of the Declaration of Independence were
the first Deep State, they were Freemasons who
launched our country.

They were overthrown and replaced by the Jacksonian
Democrats, Manifest Destiny crowd who evicted the
American Indian from the deep south (trail of
tears), The sought to expand the country westward
and southward with a war with Mexico.

They closed Hamilton's  Bank of the United States
and deposited government funds in a collection of
southern banks. This infusion of capital allowed the
southern plantation system (and slavery) to grow
enormously. Meanwhile the capital starved north
experiences a major depression and left us years
behind in the industrial revolution.  

Well along come the abolitionists who get us into
civil war.  These were replaced by first the
railroads and later other industrialists  big steel,
oil, and J P Morgan. Later comes Henry Ford and the
autos. These folks seize Hawaii, get us into war
with Spain, launch the Federal Reserve and get rich
with World War I.  

Bolshevism succeeds in Russia, and despite J. Edgar
Hoover's best intentions, become a deep state
infecting our government. Alger Hiss, the Rosenbergs
and others do their thing when the next deep state -
the Military Industrial Complex, fuels the red
scare, and the reds under the beds go into hiding.

Some have speculated that the Dulles brothers
launched another with the CIA, and that has led to
all manner of conspiracy theories.

Vietnam undoes the Military Industrial Complex
(which contributed to a 60% drop in our gold
reserves) and they are replaced by the Rockefeller
led Trilateral Commission which takes us off the
gold standard and replaces it with the petro-dollar.

Well then along comes the Clinton's and their
Bilderberger buddies who launch the deep state we
have now and its push for world government (with
probable communist influence - no they aren't dead).  
The W Bush era was a throwback and the last gasp of
the Trilateral Commission.

Problem is that once in a while along comes a
completely unaligned President that upsets the deep
state apple cart. Teddy Roosevelt, to a degree FDR,
and Ike. Ross Perot tried, but now we have Trump.  
Unfortunately for the deep state crowd they develop
a strong populist following that tends to undermine
their efforts (for a while).  

If our history is to be any example the current deep
state will be overthrown by yet another. The pattern
will continue.

This message was edited by jpdell33 on 8-22-21 @ 3:49 PM

05-16-2018 @ 12:04 PM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Jul 2007
Some things never seem to change.
It certainly has been this way for at least
20 years in terms of the gold/silver price
Thanks for posting.

05-30-2018 @ 10:35 AM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Jun 2016
To my way of thinking, the Rockefeller Trilateral Commission started the manipulation of gold prices once the dust settled from the oil shocks in the 70s. Paul Volcker seems to have been their handpicked choice to rescue the nation from stagflation. He originated "gold is the enemy", and was followed by Alan Greenspan. It is my belief that Ben Bernanke was more laizez faire and that is why the gold price seemed to correct on his watch at the Fed. Janet Yellen and company turned the clock back to "gold is the enemy" and launched open warfare on it. Same pattern seems to be holding now with the current Fed.

06-01-2018 @ 3:42 PM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Jun 2016
BTW, the Clinton/Bilderberger crowd has followed on with the economic policies of the Rockefeller Trilateral Commission, and taken it one step further. The Trilateral Commission objective was world order.  The Bilderbergers want one world government. They will start with a global, digital currency and outlaw all forms of cash. Their object is to increase visibility of asset flows, clamp down on money laundering, and increase tax collection by getting rid of the "invisible"/ cash only economy. Again gold is their enemy - only more so. Expect them to outlaw private ownership of gold and confiscate it as FDR did. Then like FDR, they'll raise its official price through the roof. With global government, kiss the bill of rights freedoms goodbye. First thing they'll do is outlaw private ownership of firearms. Once that is done, big brother tyranny will follow.

06-15-2018 @ 8:45 AM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Jun 2016
Evidence of Deep State anti-Trumpism has emerged. Prominent Mueller Commission FBI agent gets nabbed on a we'll stop Trump tweet to a Justice Dept bud. Hillary still walks free with her private email server. The Bilderberger crowd gets more desperate with the anti-gold; anti-silver actions. Silver and gold are blocking the formation of one world currency thence one world gov't. Silver price gains lead gold price recovery.  So the more desperate attacks are on silver. A few moments ago silver plunged 35 cents for no good reason.  

03-25-2019 @ 9:35 AM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Jun 2016
No Russia conspiracy.  The (current) Deep State gets
"a bloody nose of no mean order".

11-13-2019 @ 9:57 AM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Jun 2016
The (current) Deep State rears its ugly head again.  
Now we see a veritable parade of State Department
types and even some military coming out to testify
at Trump's impeachment hearings. This is quite
unprecedented.  There is an old saying in the State
Department - "When you take the King's shilling, you
do the King's bidding." - and shut up about it.

As for Trump's supposed crime of using his office
for political advantage - all presidents do that.
Some like Bill Clinton take it to another level.
Remember him and Hillary renting out the White House
Lincoln Bedroom for $10K/night political

12-18-2019 @ 2:33 PM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Jun 2016
The Deep State is voting to impeach Trump on what I
believe are dubious claims.  Right now Congress is
now trying to elevate themselves to being the most
powerful branch of Government in contravention to
the three separate branches of Government with
supposed checks and balances. Given the stark
divisions of political belief in America, if sanity
and compromise are gone we'll be in STASIS (see my
older posting on that topic) before long. Stasis can
be everything from paralysis (Venezuela, Somalia,
etc.) to open civil war with horrific atrocities
(Liberia, the old Yugoslavia, the Hutu genocide of
the Tutsi,etc.).  Let us hope for the return of
sanity.  The Democratic Party in America has never
come to grips with the truth- that Hillary Clinton
lost the election more than Donald Trump won it. Her
comment that Trump supporters were "a basket of
deplorables" galvanized opposition to her as an
elitist who could not possibly identify with the
American heartland.

12-18-2019 @ 3:16 PM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Jun 2016
The Deep State danger is real.  

The first deep state, the Freemasons, launched the
Revolutionary War and the War of 1812.

The next one, the Jacksonian Democrats, expanded
slavery and launched 60 years of atrocities against
the Native Americans and an  expansionist war with

The abolitionists got us into the Civil War.

The early wall street gang resumed Native American
atrocities, got us into colonial rule (we
slaughtered well over a quarter of a million
Filipinos), Latin American interventionism (Cuba,
Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, etc.), World War I.  

Communist influence sided us with the Soviet Union
in World War II, despite the fact they were one of
the ones who started it after the Molotov -
Ribbentrop pact partitioned eastern Europe. It is
not taught in the history books (I wonder why) but
Stalin also attacked Poland, seized the Baltics, and
invaded Finland well before the German invasion of
the Soviet Union. Hitler did that when he woke up to
the fact that Stalin was a bigger danger to him than

Our Cold War with Russia was exasperated by the
Military Industrial Complex and we had Korea and

The Trilateral Commission partnership with Saudi's  
has brought us the seemingly unending Global War on

What's next???  Think about it.

This message was edited by jpdell33 on 8-22-21 @ 3:52 PM

02-06-2020 @ 10:31 AM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Jun 2016
Rand Paul disclosed that the Trump impeachment
whistleblower was a National Security Council staff
member who was a holdover from the Obama
administration. He was supposedly was in cahoots
with a senior Democratic congressional staffer. The
Deep State is not dead.

The impeachment case was weak.  While Trump's
apparent actions were somewhat distasteful, it falls
in line with the same sort of action Hillary took
with that phony British intelligence officer's
report that led to the Mueller investigation.  
Somehow the Democrats forgot all about that in their
zeal to get Trump.

With the results of the Iowa Caucus' out, it seems
the Democrat's nominee for President is in disarray.  
This leaves the table wide open for Blomberg - a
centrist but I suspect perhaps a wolf in sheep's
clothing.  We ARE living in interesting times.

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