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03-27-2024 @ 9:46 AM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Jun 2016
It may be just a coincidence but just
one month ago Biden issued Executive
Order 14116 regarding the protection
of ports and harbors from terror
attack particularly as regards to
hacking. It seems likely to me that
the President had intelligence on a
possible attack by hacking. Although
they said it wasn't a terror incident
the timing makes it very suspicious.  
Homeland Security is tight lipped so
far but it's possible that the ship's
computer was hacked at that led to
the engine shutdown and subsequent
collision. It all seems real fishy to

03-27-2024 @ 9:52 AM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Jul 2007
Thanks for the input,

04-09-2024 @ 12:22 PM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Jun 2016
Well, another large container ship suddenly loses power
and almost collides with another bridge, this time in
New York.

Still no official indications of it being a terror
attack.  Given Biden's recent executive order on port
security and computer hacking, it appears that
something malicious is clearly afoot. This leads to a
frightening possibility.  

If it were a "terror" attack, something of this
sophistication could only be conducted by the North
Koreans or the Iranians and it would have been labeled
as such with retaliatory measures underway.

My fear is that we may have a case of government
doublespeak here.  If the Russians are behind it, it is
palpably an act of war, so technically these aren't
terror attacks.  If Biden publicly blames the Russians,
he would be forced to respond and respond strongly.  
This would lead an escalating to tit for tat scenario
that could spin out of control, to horrid consequences.  
Not a good option.  

I would suspect that his National Security team is
scrambling for other options.  So far, the press is
cooperating, as they don't want to be seen as forcing
Biden to play a weak hand.  If another similar incident
happens, the lid will come off. Forcing a strong
response.  If this is all true, Putin would be smart to
back off and be satisfied he got his message across.

We'll see what happens.

If Biden does respond he best keep it quiet and let the
Russians play the guessing game on what happened and
who did it.

There is a scary precedent for this.  In 1968 (on top
of all the other terrible things that happened that
year) four submarines would be sunk under mysterious
circumstances.  First a French submarine then the
Israeli's first submarine disappeared.  Next a Russian
ballistic missile submarine went missing (this is the
one the CIA and Howard Hughes tried to recover). Lastly
the USS Scorpion fails to return from patrol.  All
manner of conspiracy theories surround these mysterious

04-12-2024 @ 2:28 PM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Jun 2016
The left-wing media is going all out to say that those
who believe there was hacking of the ships computer, are
a bunch of right-wing kooks.  They don't want to
acknowledge Executive Order 14116 exists.  The media is
corrupt as ever and totally fawning over Joe Biden.

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