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01-14-2022 @ 5:42 PM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Jul 2007
that is quite an impressive commentary.
What gets me as a conservative Republican all my
life to the last year with Trump, is, to me
what he has in mind. To set up his own
dictatorship, a nightmare for us. IMO, that is
why he sent Tucker Carlson to Hungary to do his
Take care and have a great weekend.

01-14-2022 @ 4:03 PM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Jun 2016
Notwithstanding assurances from those who created and
run the January 6 Congressional Committee hearings, the
true intent is not factfinding for new legislation. It
is simply a way to punish the Democrat's demonic enemy,
Donald Trump. Hopefully to prevent his re-election.

If the real reason was a search for truth, then they
likewise need to investigate the Antifa attempt to
storm the White House on the night of Trump's

The Democrats and their media allies want America to
forget that.  Some would disingenuously assert there is
no connection. BALONEY!!!

I can well remember the antifa using the Brown Shirt
Nazi-like tactic of conducting their American version
of Chrystal Nacht up and down 16th street.  

Make no mistake, I do not sanction or condone the
January 6 storming of the capital. Itself was Nazi-like
storming of the Reichstag.

I am postulating that the former begat the the latter.
Call it eye for eye; what goes around comes around, a
payback, or what have you. The two events are
inextricably linked and Congress is doing us a great
disservice by ignoring the Antifa actions four years
earlier. Make no mistake; Antifa is not made up of
Trump supporters. I suspect, but cannot prove that the
Clinton's and their liberal allies are behind them.

What does all this have to do with the price of gold?
Quite a bit actually. The value of the American dollar
is based on the world's perception of us as a stable,
fair, and enduring entity that allows folks to forego
the need for gold and adopt a more fungible medium of
exchange. Using gold as a medium of exchange replaced
barter thousands of years ago. If the world perceives
America as a squabbling and chaotic mob in the grip of
stasis, then the dollar will lose its appeal as a
substitute for gold. Gold will become much more

Von Clausevitz asserts that the strength and power of a
nation depends on the capability of its military; the
soundness and stability of its government, and the will
of its people. Two of those pillars are in danger of
collapse. Don't kid yourselves that Russia, China,
North Korea, and Iran will test that strength while our
erstwhile friends and allies start to get cold

Our debt crisis may initiate a collapse but a weak
America will make it worse.  The collapse of the Roman
Empire sent western Europe into a dark age. While
Constantinople lingered on for another thousand years,
it never had the power and influence of old Rome.  Let
us hope we can re-energize our society and resurrect
the strength we need to stabilize the world again.

This message was edited by jpdell33 on 1-17-22 @ 11:07 AM

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