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07-26-2021 @ 6:28 PM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Jun 2016
From my previous postings you know I am no real
Trump fan.  I was raised in New York and was
astonished that "THE DONALD" was able to get the
Republican nomination. He got elected when Hillary
Clinton told America, that main stream America was a
bunch of deplorables.

Still the left wing media went after Trump in the
most vicious ways. I can remember NY Times Op-Ed
pieces attacking him with extreme vehemence. CNN let
former DNC chairman Donna Brasille give Hilary an
advanced copy of the debate questions. It was Hilary
that hired that retired British intelligence worker
who conjured up a phony report that started the
investigation of Trump and Russia.

From Trump's first day after his nomination until
Mike Pence certified the election results, the
Democrats and their leftist allies attacked Trump
without stopping.  They impeached him twice on
flimsy evidence.  They never gave him a fair chance
to govern. He upset a lot of apple carts, made bold
moves. Tweeted tons of silly things too.

It was Trump that first signaled the Chinese might
be to blame for COVID.  The liberals shouted him
down. Now that he's out of office those same folks
are having second thoughts about Chinese complicity.

Trump was bombarded with tons of conflicting
information from so-called experts on COVID. He
should have had Pence distill that down for him and
get everyone singing off the same sheet of music.
Still he launched operation warp speed and got
vaccinations ready in record time.  I find it ironic
that it seems to be mainly Trump followers that are
balking at that.

He got the immigration issue more or less under
control until Biden opened the floodgates again.

He was making excellent progress on North Korea, a
thorny issue for 70 years.  But then the Democrats
derailed that by impeaching him  a second time.

Trump is certainly no example of humanity at its
finest. He's arrogant and bombastic.  I didn't agree
with his unleashing a mob to storm the capital.  
That did smack of things Hitler and Mussolini did.  
He couldn't hold a moral high ground - he is after

As to his belief that the election was stolen from
him, that's where stuff gets edgy. Lack of evidence
does not mean it did not happen. The media has
failed America by failing to thoroughly investigate
the allegations. The leftists don't want to overturn
the election of Biden. The liberals Obama installed
in government bureaucracy smack of the communist
infiltration of their ranks in the FDR (the guy who
confiscated our gold). They won't allow a proper
government investigation.  So for now the stolen
election has been relegated to fringe conspiracy

I am not pro-Trump but I am VERY suspicious of the
American left wing and where they want to take this
country.  GOLD CONFISCATION is coming.

07-26-2021 @ 5:02 PM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Jul 2007
Hi there
thanks for your input again.
Boy, do we differ.
I have been a conservative Republican, mega, not maga,
my whole life. Thought Clinton was the worst candidate
in US history. A couple of years ago I saw staunch
conservatives leaving the party. I thought what the
heck is going on.
It became apparent when Trump began to lie about the
Corona virus. That is just one reason why his
colleagues and family, outside of kids, have left him.
He is one of the worst human beings in history, as per
Mussolini and Hitler.
I knew his second wife, Marla Maples, at Marble Church
in New York.
Trump has turned the Power of Positive Thinking into
the Power of Negative Thinking.
He should be thrown into jail for life.
I know I think differently than many of you, but so be

07-26-2021 @ 4:34 PM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Jun 2016
I truly wonder if the Democrat media circus that
will surround the January 6 hearings will allow any
investigation of the Antifa rioting and siege of the
the White House that took place after Trump's
inauguration.  Plus the similar left wing rioting
after the BLM movement hit full stride. The media
will not connect the two - it doesn't align with
their leftist, socialist agenda. They want America
to forget this. Shows you the depth of lying they
will plunge to. The right-wing outrage is a product
of the media propaganda that blames white males for
all they report as evil.  

Makes you wonder if they will ever remember that
Lincoln sacrificed nearly 500,000 white males to
free blacks from slavery to begin with.

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