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02-27-2020 @ 9:16 AM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Jun 2016
This is going to sound very cynical and mean spirited,
but given the much higher mortality rates for the
coronavirus amongst the elderly, if we get a full
blown pandemic here, the cloud could have a silver
lining.  First it could actually restore Social
Security to long term viability for many years.  
Second it could result in a huge transfer of wealth to
the GenXers. In the meantime expect a rough go as
commerce starts to freeze up when transportation
systems grind to a slow pace due to quarantine rules.

02-24-2020 @ 11:51 AM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Jul 2007
Thanks for checking in.
We shall see.
Seems to me this is just the beginning of the story.
Should it get much worse, stock markets will be
devastated and gold/silver will soar in the panic.
All heck could break loose, like rarely seen.

02-24-2020 @ 11:34 AM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Jun 2016
Much panic for what is little more than a nasty flu
-for now.  It's mortality is so far confined to a
comparatively modest percentage (3%) of cases.  
While dangerous and a source of concern, it is still
not a severe as ebola, MERS, or even the 1919 flu.  
The danger is that it could mutate or evolve into a
more lethal form.

There has been much speculation that this might have
been a germ warfare experiment that escaped from a
Chinese Lab in Wuhan. That might be the seeming
reason for the sense of panic emanating from China
and their leadership.  

Killer bees came from a lab experiment in Brazil
that escaped. Others have suggested (without proof)
that Lyme disease originated from across the Long
Island Sound at the Department of Agriculture's
animal disease lab at Plum Island, NY. When West
Nile came across the Atlantic in 1999 it raised a
few eyebrows.

Other forms of pestilence that have had devastating
effect in recent memory include Dutch Elm disease
and Chestnut blight - only a handful of Chestnut and
Elm trees remain in the US when there was once
hundreds of millions. Major locust swarms are
devastating East Africa for now. Emerald Bark
Beetles from China are destroying ash trees in the

The bottom line is that various forms of pestilence
can have widespread and devastating economic and
human health effects. For the moment too much panic
has set in the financial markets to justify current
conditions. This signal may be a tip-off on the
overall fragility of our economic house of cards.

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