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08-20-2017 @ 12:09 PM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Jun 2016
Stasis, an ancient Greek term from the paralysis that ensues from societal collapse. History has seen many of these. Deep divisions in the society that cannot be reconciled leading to chaos.  Some last but a few years and only because a great or despotic leader emerges to take control - unfortunately they tend to be megalomanics - Hitlers or Napoleons.  Other societies just limp along leaderless like Somalia and Argentina (a great and wealthy nation that was wrecked by clashes between Peronists and leftists).  

America is on the cusp of stasis.  The events in Charlottesville, Boston, the hauling down of statues across the nation- all bespeak of budding chaos. More will follow until the police are overwhelmed by masses from the left and right bent on hate and destruction. Short term, we want it now thinking, replaces long range planning and building for success.  

Do not place the blame at the feet of Donald Trump, he is just a symptom of the times. Blame all who fuel flames and take no responsibility - hard left and hard right. The media who do nothing to solve problems - just exasperate them with the cheap criticism, unrelenting lies, skewing of facts, presenting only carefully selected facts and plenty of vitriol. I am not just pointing to left and right bloggers but mainstream outlets like the NY Times, WSJ, CNN, FOX, and on and on.

If we are lucky, something may happen to pull us out of this sickness.  Usually it requires an external threat like a 9/11 attack writ much larger, a North Korean miscalculation or pandemic.

The real danger is that because of global inter-connectivity, the whole western world or the whole planet could be sucked into a vortex of chaos. It may take a millennia to emerge from it like with the division and collapse of the Roman empire.

Obviously I am somewhat pessimistic about our future. A future that could be amazing - a society where there is plenty of food, energy, healthcare, and opportunity for everyone. A true post-scarcity world that explores the planets and the stars. Yet for many decades now I have had a great foreboding of coming catastrophe.  

Because gold and land are the only things that last- and gold is more fungible. If / when collapse does come be certain to have your gold stashed in your home and let nobody know you have it. There will be a mad scramble for and all of it, all over the world. If it's sitting in a bank vault somewhere you will lose it. Expect gov't confiscation again. If a quick recovery is in the offing, then use your gold to buy real assets "when there is blood in the streets".  

So much for my crack pot thinking. Whose got other ideas?

08-20-2017 @ 1:33 PM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Jul 2007
I have the suspicion that, LNK crypto token is JPM entrance to trade the 600 million physical silver ounces after the collapse of the Crimex.

I may not be right, but if right, you will be on the right side of the trades....of the physical silver explosion after a century of manipulation collapses...


For a Golden Future for All Humanity,


08-20-2017 @ 1:59 PM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Jul 2007
If the intensity by The Gold Cartel to keep gold and
silver in check, as per Friday, is an indication of the
real stress  in our system, then we may be far closer to
Stasis than most anyone thinks.
Our camp has been on this case for some time and nothing
ever changes. One day it will. Thanks for posting.

08-20-2017 @ 3:15 PM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Jun 2016
Thanks, let's keep this going. I know there are more thoughts, ideas, and suspicions out there. Maybe we can Delphi Group this(a method of forecasting whereby experts pool there thoughts and continuously refine their thinking - they can be remarkably accurate).  

08-20-2017 @ 6:32 PM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Jun 2016
Thanks Carlos. I often suspect that the Gold Cartel has hidden assets they deal with. Whether owned, begged, borrowed, or acquired surreptitiously.

08-03-2020 @ 2:56 PM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Jun 2016
When I posted this topic three years ago, it was in
the wake of the events at Charlottesville. The home
of the venerable Thomas Jefferson. I thought at the
time that pandemic would be a unifying factor. So
much for that thesis. It has compounded the problems
and accelerated the decline into stasis. Just wait
until those rioting wake up to a totally changed
world where many jobs have now vanished forever.
There will be truly blood in the streets and no way
to buy up the shambles of the economy.  

Thomas Jefferson is no longer a founding father of
democracy but a slaveholder who did not have the
moral courage to change a dying and immoral
practice. Many of our traditions are being
demolished, the soul of America is being pulled up
root and stem.

At the risk of sounding racist, it is the truth that
far more blacks are murdered by other blacks than by
whites and police combined. I wonder if MLK is
turning over in his grave about his words that
people should not be judged on the color of their
skin but on the content of their character.

Those mayors elected to keep law and order, yet
allow rioting and looting are cutting throats of
their cities. Trump is doing what he can and taking
heat for it.

Meanwhile our independent Fed is taking the easy way
out and printing money with abandon. To make things
look better than they are they use the gold cartel
to keep a lid on things.  

The gold cartel will die with the rest of the world
when we are neck deep in the smoldering ashes of
economic ruin.

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