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05-01-2020 @ 12:10 PM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Jul 2007
Hi Bill,

Hope you are staying well. With regard to SAMEX, I
was a bit surprised the topic of this "company" has
even come up. Yes, that was a horror show, and it
still is.

I don't know if you realize that this still trades
on the OTC market under the same old symbol "SAMEX"
and for the life of me I don't know why. The price
listed is miniscule. It's like it trades
occasionally just to keep it "alive". To wit, out of
curiosity about a month ago (Feb 2020) I bought
10000 shares of SAMEX  at $0.0019 for about $100.00
just to see if it really would trade. It did, and my
order was filled immediately. I don't know if you
have any idea what is going on with this, or if any
other Cafe members might have some thoughts. Perhaps
Jeff Dahl might have some unique insights should you
talk with him. If so I'd sure like to hear them. I
just tried to paste a screen shot in WORD format
into this message but can't seem to do it to
demonstrate the trading activity in SAMEX. Just for
fun (and curiosity) I kept a screen shot record of
daily price and trading volumes for most of the
month of December 2019. Volumes have been all over
the landscape, from a low off 777 shares to a high
of 240000 shares. If you would like copies of the
screen shots I captured I'd be happy to email them
to you. Just give me an email address.

All the Best,

CIGAmeier (member for about 20 years)

03-06-2020 @ 2:34 AM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Jul 2007
Hello Ken
I spoke with Jeff Dahl of old Samez note today.
That was one horror show for our camp.
My worst headed deal has been with Golden
Minerals, ex ECU. Still with it, big time.
These explos/producers have been wiped out
thanks to JPM. That will all change soon
Those that survive, to the moon.

03-06-2020 @ 1:44 AM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Jul 2007
Hello everyone.

I've been invested in Gold/Silver for the last 10+ years - more
recently in metals (as opposed to stocks).

Its been a rough ride. I lost more than a year's salary on Samex
mining when it went down. That still hurts.

However, I'm fully on board with the imminent continued rise of
Gold & Silver - especially the latter because of the record high

I'm tempted to dip my toes back in to some miners - especially
Silver but wouldn't rule out Gold.

For those in the know [e.g. Bill et al.], what mining stocks do you
think will be the best performers in the coming years?

Thanks in advance.

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