Topic: Food for thought

jpdell33    -- 05-27-2024 @ 3:30 PM
  "People who vote decide nothing.
People who count votes decide
Joseph Stalin

With all the recent revelations about
fraudulent voting in 2020, the main
stream media is  not covering it as
they won't recognize the stories as
legitimate.  This seems similar to
the old Soviet tactics of deny deny,
deny to the very end when caught.  
Remember Alger Hiss and the
Rosenbergs. Someone will always
continue to believe them.

jpdell33    -- 05-31-2024 @ 1:48 PM
  To be fair.  My information on vote count discrepancies
the 2020 election come from  The
mainstream media does not recognize their postings as
legitimate.  It should be noted that their stories come
from independent contributors. Wikipediia and Scam
Advisor frankly are not certain as to their legitimacy
and make no determination on it.  Several left-wing
commenters don't like it but haven't been able to
dispute its veracity.   Google News is the source where
FeedNews articls can be found.

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