Topic: Putin smokescreen?

jpdell33    -- 01-22-2022 @ 5:19 PM
  Putin is using his divisions on the Ukraine border as
chess pieces. They keep Biden and the Ukraine guessing.
He is getting the measure of Biden and our NATO allies
while he plans his moves to expand Russian borders to
that of the old Soviet Union, he could be using this as
part of a grand deception.

Right now there are a number of Russian Divisions doing
military exercises in Belarus. It is Russian military
doctrine to use exercises as camouflage for the real
deal. In this case his true target maybe Belarus.

If he annexes Belarus, which is horribly governed by an
incompetent dictator he may get a free pass from Biden
and NATO which are dealing with refugees streaming out
of Belarus. He could accomplish a major expansion of
Russia, while he sets his next target on rich, remote,
and thinly populated Kazakhstan.

This would get him far more than picking a fight with
NATO and send a warning to the US about admitting
Ukraine to NATO.  

Meanwhile NATO / Poland should annex the Russian
enclave around Konigsberg/Kaliningrad as a lesson to
Russia not to expand any further westward. Likewise we
could o the same by annexing Moldova and add it to NATO
ally Romania.

This message was edited by jpdell33 on 1-26-22 @ 4:25 PM

bmurphy    -- 01-22-2022 @ 5:32 PM
  Hi there
thanks much for that input to our camp.
Scary stuff.
What is just as scary to me is what is going on in
America. It has blown me away as a conservative
Republican my whole life. Don't want to ever do it but
Tucker Carlson going to Hungary, broadcasting there for
a week, and interviewing/saluting its dictator, said it
all in terms of the Trump thing. It is a horror show,
Just my two cents,
Appreciate your input and thoughts.

jpdell33    -- 01-22-2022 @ 10:41 PM
  I agree. Much scary stuff is going on at home. Both the
right and left are pulling America apart. Nixon's
silent majority needs to stand up and stand for the
real America.

jpdell33    -- 03-01-2022 @ 10:51 AM
  Russia / Putin is now well along with its quiet
annexation of Belarus.  Putin announced that some
100,000 Russian troops will now be permanently
stationed in Belarus (a supposedly independent county).  
If he uses Belarus troops to attack Ukraine like many
are waiting for, then expect Russian troops to backfill
them and quickly suppress any Belarus resistance. Putin
will have a free hand in annexing Belarus like he did
with the Crimea.

Russian propaganda does not want the world to remember
that Ukraine was part of the Kingdom of Poland for
centuries. Likewise that Soviet insistence granted
Ukraine an independent seat at the United Nations since
its the UN was formed. They argued that the Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was just that, a
union of independent republics and the Ukraine was a
major independent republic.  Now they insist it was
always part of Russia.

jpdell33    -- 03-27-2022 @ 3:02 PM
  Other commentators, particularly those very knowledgeable
about Belarus, have also noticed Putin's moves there. He
has only to announce the final result of his annexation
ploy to make it official.

baldpate    -- 04-10-2022 @ 4:24 PM
  Dan Joubert's article today (4-10-22)about Putin was
refreshing.  Finally not everyone writing on LeMetropole
Cafe seems completely brainwashed by the overwhelming
Western media bias against Russia. As the petrodollar
dies, courtesy of US-UK-EU hubris, the precious metals
will finally be set free through unrigged Eurasian
Thanks, Dan!

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