Topic: Afghanistan debacle

jpdell33    -- 08-22-2021 @ 3:43 PM
  As a background reference see my postings on the
history of the Deep State in America.

The reminders of American retreat from Vietnam are
shown every evening. Now here we go again. The
pullout from Afghanistan has been a disaster, while
not as humiliating as our eviction from Iran or
Vietnam, it runs a close third.  

Did it have to happen? No.

Could this have been prevented? Yes.

Why did it happen?  This is where it gets
interesting.  As you might recall the Trump
Administration struck a deal with the Taliban to be
out of country by May.  Defense and State should
have been totally engaged in a staged withdrawal but
somehow that was never done over the year, or was
not effective..  Some military was withdrawn but the
issues with other Americans in country and our
Afghan collaborators took a back seat (and there is
some thought that that was deliberate).  The Afghan
armed forces performed about as well as the South
Vietnamese and the Shah of Iran's once venerable
armed forces. Zip-squat.

Are we really that stupid to have allowed this sort
of debacle to occur for a third time or was
something else afoot?  

My fear is that too much of our Military Industrial
Complex was resurrected by the trillions being
thrown at Afghanistan. They worked with their
collaborators in DoD, Sate, and CIA to drag their
feet on this process.  Hopefully they could buffalo
Biden into continuing the mission out of fear of
looking weak (a problem of his). They did much the
same as they did Bush 43, Obama, and for a while

We went into Afghanistan to take down Al Qaida. We
did that but allowed Bin Laden to escape.  We took
the bulk of his operation to Guantanamo. We should
have left Afghanistan by the summer of 2002.  We
didn't and the mission expanded into nation building
and putting a lid on the Taliban. The money started
to flow.

When the Obama administration finally took out Bin
Laden, surely that was another signal to pull chocks
and fly out of Afghanistan. We didn't and the money
continued to flow with the troop surge that was
supposed to take care of things.

By the time Trump had settled into office we had
already been there 16 years and the money spigot was
wide open. To his credit, Trump tried to negotiate
his way out and almost did,  but he was too
distracted by the continual onslaught of the left
wing media to make serious headway.  

With Biden now in office our Military Industrial
Complex tried yet again to extend things but Biden
had the good sense to say enough was enough. That
set the wheels in motion for withdrawal that was
probably made a lot messier than it needed to be to
make Biden look bad - even to the liberal media.

So fed by billions in federal bucks the old deep
state Military Industrial Complex made things look
bad for the new Clinton Bilderberger Deep State.  
Meanwhile the Trilateral Commission Deep State of
yore continues to bankrupt the world to feed this
process. Is the current Deep State just biding its
time so they can swoop in the pick up the pieces and
start their New World Order?  

By the way, the only reason that this sort of
silliness never happened in Korea is that we've been
there in force for 70 years now.  As I recall from
history much the same happened when Mao-Tse-Tung
drove Chiang Kai Shek to Taiwan, and we've been
supporting his legacy as long as we have been in

The old curse of living in interesting times may yet
rear its ugly head.

This message was edited by jpdell33 on 8-22-21 @ 6:58 PM

bmurphy    -- 08-22-2021 @ 4:16 PM
A thoughtful well laid out analysis of what
is going on with the A mess. Sure is enough
blame to go around.
At least no US deaths so far.
Take care and thanks

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