Topic: reverse dollar averaging; likely effects of price suppression

blackapple    -- 05-18-2021 @ 8:03 PM
  financial 'experts' have touted dollar averaging as a positive effect when
building a portfolio, for example when saving for retirement over many
years, even decades
however, reverse dollar averaging likely has a similar but opposite effect on
retirement savings as they are withdrawn in the normal course
how has price suppression, if it exists, penalized those who have saved
silver and/or gold bullion and/or gold / silver coins for their retirement and
are presently drawing down those savings?

bmurphy    -- 05-18-2021 @ 8:16 PM
  Hi there
Over my head. Appreciate the input.
All I know is, or think I know, is all that
matters is what The Gold Cartel wants to do at
a given time. Re the dollar, just look at the
last 10 months. And then today, with gold and silver in
perfect position to really fly, the dollar gets mauled.
Did it matter? Heck no.
All the best

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