Topic: Q Anon and the Deep State

jpdell33    -- 08-20-2020 @ 12:24 PM
  In my earlier posting on the Deep State in America, I
demonstrated that America has had a succession of Deep
States. The current one one being the latest version.
I also postulated that like the parade of others it
would be swept aside by the next "deep state".  

Is Q Anon the next deep state. I sincerely doubt it.
Personally I believe it to be a ploy by Trump and or
his followers to smoke out and disinfect our gov't of
the Clinton / Bilderberger version.  

bmurphy    -- 08-20-2020 @ 12:36 PM
You got me on that one. Makes no sense, to put it
mildly, but I know a bunch of people who are gung ho for
Crazy times.

jpdell33    -- 08-20-2020 @ 1:34 PM
  If it is a ploy, Trump should get Putin to show him
how to do it.

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