Topic: Trump will win re-election

jpdell33    -- 03-04-2020 @ 2:35 PM
  Barring some sort of major screw-up by
Trump, or a brokered Democratic convention with an
out of nowhere dark horse, his re-election is
now almost assured.  

With today's winnowing of Democrats down
to Biden and Sanders, history shows Trump should
beat both handily.

Political fringe candidates like Sanders
will get their faithful supporters but almost no
other votes. Remember Barry Goldwater and George

Steady Eddie senators and ex-vps don't farewell
either. John Kerry,  Walter Mondale, Bob
Dole, John McCain were cut from the same cloth
as Joe Biden. Uninspiring with little executive

This message was edited by jpdell33 on 3-15-20 @ 5:21 PM

jpdell33    -- 03-15-2020 @ 5:20 PM
  If anyone thinks Biden will beat Trump, just wait.  As
soon as Biden opens his mouth folks will wake up to
his being another loser. By contrast, if the over
reaction to the Corona virus pandemic totally
collapses the economy, Sander's siren song of
socialism will be music to the ears of lots of
desperate folks. God help America.

This message was edited by jpdell33 on 3-16-20 @ 10:12 AM

jpdell33    -- 10-12-2020 @ 3:28 PM
  The Democrats are carefully keeping Biden's mouth
shut to keep his feet out.  The media is working
overtime to make everything Trumps does or doesn't
do a national disaster.  Still nobody is counting
Trump out.  It may be that some last minute event
tips the balance either way. Whatever the outcome I
strongly suspect America to be for the worse after
the election. The extreme polarization infecting
America is our version of Justinian's Blues and
Greens - and those folks came to a bad end.  God,

apache1922    -- 11-14-2020 @ 7:00 PM
  Here is the video of Syndney Powell and how Dominion software spoofed the election. It seems to be stolen and should raise the roof everywhere. All we want is a fair election. Already deleted from facebook..

jpdell33    -- 01-02-2021 @ 12:51 PM
  We can only hope there was no massive interference
in our election.  I too have my suspicions of funny
business. It has been pretty much documented that
200,000 mysterious votes for Kennedy appeared in
Chicago. His daddy Joe Kennedy called his mob
buddies out there and who in turn got the Mayor
Daley machine mobilized to produce them. This
electoral flip of Illinois tossed the election in
favor of Kennedy over Nixon.  So this is not wholly
without precedent.

William ("boss") Tweed - the Democrat party leader
in 19th century New York supposedly said "vote early
and vote often"

Another relevant quote via Joseph Stalin:

"People who vote decide nothing... People who count
votes decide everything"

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