Topic: 1st Amendment...

siliwisid    -- 07-04-2018 @ 12:28 PM
  The G/S cartel (and TPTB in general) would like nothing better than for the citizens to give up communicating on subjects that are becoming increasingly frustrating to discuss.  But, in the interest of showing them our resolve to the contrary, and in supporting the right that our First Amendment grants We The People by our US Constitution, here is a track by the legendary Pink Floyd.

bmurphy    -- 07-04-2018 @ 1:18 PM
  The perfect day to bring up that subject.
And free speech in America? Not when it comes
to a number of subjects, like the one GATA
puts out there.
Happy 4th.

siliwisid    -- 07-04-2018 @ 1:26 PM
  Speaking of a "number of subjects", and since we are in the "Off-Topic" thread/section of this blog, here's an interesting YT channel I've been digging my teeth into lately (this guy just recently interviewed Shaun of the SGT report recently... it's in the video list in the link below).

jpdell33    -- 07-04-2018 @ 1:26 PM
  You touched an old soft spot for me with Pink Floyd. Atom Heart Mother, Umma Gumma, A Nice Pair, Dark Side of the Moon, Wish You Were Here, The Wall. Had em all.

This message was edited by jpdell33 on 7-4-18 @ 1:31 PM

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