Topic: Trade War

jpdell33    -- 06-19-2018 @ 12:09 PM
  I think this is all just Trump staking out a negotiation position, getting off the dime of status quo.  

Remember when we were going to nuke North Korea -next thing you know we were at the negotiating table hammering out a deal Though the details of the deal or framework of a deal remain fuzzy. Time will tell.

Again, ever the New Yorker,Trump is forcing the world to react to him.

bmurphy    -- 06-19-2018 @ 12:12 PM
This is how Trump has done his art of the deal drills
his whole life.
All the best

jpdell33    -- 06-26-2018 @ 11:25 AM
  It won't be long now before Trump says lets talk about all this.  The deal making will begin anew.  

jpdell33    -- 07-26-2018 @ 11:02 AM
  As I predicted the US and EU just settled on a new trade deal.  China will be next and shortly.  Canada and Mexico may take a while. The new gut in Mexico has to settle in, and  Trudeau needs to grow up.  

jpdell33    -- 12-10-2018 @ 8:52 AM
  So Canada and Mexico was first.  China will be done before things get too bad.

jpdell33    -- 01-17-2020 @ 9:28 AM
  Remember all the fracas about negotiating with China.
Well it seems that at least a partial deal is done.
Trump ever the deal maker.

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