Topic: Five different types of people

jpdell33    -- 05-18-2018 @ 11:10 AM
  As my postings start to clog this chat board, I would like to share this personal observation of mine before Bill Murphy throws me off.

There are five different kinds of people in the world:

1. Those that think their sh*t / stuff doesn't stink

2. Those that think it might, but aren't sure what to do about it.

3. Those that know it does and are afraid someone is going to find out.

4. Those that know it does and don't care.

5. Folks like me that know it does and are quite justifiably proud of it.

Bottom line is we all produce the stuff (hopefully every day), and it by its very nature - it stinks.

Chill dudes.

bmurphy    -- 05-18-2018 @ 11:58 AM
  Glad to have you there commenting.
all the best

the LeMetropole Cafe Forums! :