Topic: DPRK approaches the tripwire

jpdell33    -- 09-04-2017 @ 10:50 AM
  If DPRK (North Korea) tries to leverage its nuclear force, the tripwire to force the US to respond militarily will be any threat that could be construed as an ultimatum. The US cannot not back down if confronted as it would destroy the nuclear guarantee we give to all of our allies who live under our nuclear umbrella. It is that promise that has constrained our allies from developing their own nuclear force and could do so quickly - think Japan, ROK (South Korea), Germany, and so on. It would also embolden Russian and Chinese adventurism. If the DPRK makes such a move expect the Chinese and Russians to withdraw all support for them and clear the way to a massive US /allied attack. If DPRK goes nuclear then the US would have to use a tiny portion of our very considerable nuclear arsenal to wipe the DPRK from existence. We would have no other strategic choice. The DPRK may not realize how close they have come to this scenario.  If when this happens expect Gold to go through the roof, then collapse again when the radioactive dust settles.

clondaje    -- 09-04-2017 @ 11:44 AM
  Today, Russia activated its "Dead Hand" switch of fully automatic launch of nuclear missiles if its leadership is dead.
Current warlike hostile acts of US against Russia are having consequences and the full spectrum of it will be seen after this coming weekend.

Some part of Eastern seaboard will be devastated by Irma, either Florida or NY or Washington we donĀ“t know yet.

Quake stacatto of more than 27 quakes localized in Idaho does not bode well for US.

Good time to have some gold, silver, fuel and food at hand!

For a Golden Future for All Humanity,


bmurphy    -- 09-04-2017 @ 1:16 PM
The whole deal is beyond comprehension.
Anything nuclear wipes out the northern part
of South Korea. Better to arrange some sort of
assassination of North Korea's leader. Maybe
that would stop all the nonsense.

jpdell33    -- 09-04-2017 @ 2:19 PM
  If the ultimatum comes about, and right now my guess is that the Russians and Chinese sternly lecturing the DPRK leadership to avoid this, the first strike by the US would likely be a barrage of cruise missiles closely followed by waves of bombers dropping conventional bombs focused on military targets. These would certainly include decapitation missions. If the DPRK is able to retaliate expect them to use what remains of their SCUD force and long range artillery, plus submarine action, and possible activation of sleeper agents in the south to foment a wave of sabotage. Yes it would be horribly bloody both in the DPRK and ROK, perhaps even Japan. But it would be over quick.

I think the next US response to a serious provocation short of an ultimatum could be to advise all nations to close their embassies in the DPRK and to evacuate their foreign nationals as we could not guarantee their safety.  That would be a stern a warning you could give.  

Don't be surprised if Russia or China carries out a decapitation mission of their own in the meantime. The DPRK leadership is out of their control.

It may be possible that the US has also given Japan and the ROK the green light to go nuke too. It was reported that Trump has just removed the US imposed payload limits on ROK missiles.

I concur with Carlos, we need to watch out for what happens with Hurricane Irma. Plus who knows what else.

Lots of danger, but nothing when you compare it to the events of 1968:
* DPRK Blue House Raid - an attempt to assassinate President Park
* The capture of the USS Pueblo
* Tet offensive
* The sinking of French, Israeli, Soviet and US submarines under very mysterious circumstances
* The assassinations of MLK and RFK
* Race riots in the US
* The Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia  

and many others.  We've survived some of the worst without ending humanity. Let's hope we continue.  

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