Topic: the big flush...

siliwisid    -- 03-22-2016 @ 3:39 PM
  Every once in a while, I need to remind myself of just how monumental the paradigm shift in financial markets, and beyond, will be, with this clip.  And... be sure to play this as LOUD as possible, and better yet, put on 'loop'.  Enjoy.

siliwisid    -- 03-27-2018 @ 2:05 PM
  Thought I might try resurrecting a few of these "old" threads that I posted on here a while ago.  And yes, the above link is still just as relevant as it is today, as it looks like we are dumping, as I am sitting here typing, yet again on all things paper.  BRING it.

This message was edited by siliwisid on 3-27-18 @ 2:05 PM

jpdell33    -- 04-04-2018 @ 10:10 AM
  Nice clip.  Thanks.   Something similar (but probably smaller) could happen if one of the volcanic Azore's decides to go the way of Thera/Santorini or Krakatoa.  

jpdell33    -- 04-04-2018 @ 11:50 AM
  Sorry for my apocalyptic thinking. I realize he was probably referring to an impending tsunami of dept swamping us.  For those that have read some of my other posts I do have a recurring theme of humanity being overcome by disaster. Those who survive will need gold, guns and ammo.  No, I do not have an arsenal, nor do I have a bunker.  I don't expect to survive the big one if it comes.

This message was edited by jpdell33 on 4-7-18 @ 10:30 AM

siliwisid    -- 05-25-2018 @ 4:40 PM

siliwisid    -- 10-11-2018 @ 1:52 PM
  Bump... Pull it.

This message was edited by siliwisid on 10-11-18 @ 1:53 PM

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