Topic: Possible Gold Cartel Screw Up

jpdell33    -- 03-05-2020 @ 12:14 PM
  Usually silver price changes lead gold's up or down.
This has been the way its been for many years. With
the Gold Cartel applying much pressure to silver in
order to hopefully restrain the price of gold, you
would expect gold to be flat or depressed.  Lately
it seem that gold has behaved independently of
silver and is going up nicely. The gold-silver ratio
is now close to 100.  Has the gold cartel
inadvertently broken the gold-silver relationship by
ignoring gold at the expense of silver, or have they
lost control of gold and are using silver in a vain
effort to restrain gold's price?

bmurphy    -- 03-05-2020 @ 7:48 PM
One of my busiest days ever for many reasons.
Gold normally goes first. JP Morgan is desperate
the keep the silver price down. The silver price
action is the worst I have ever seen.
That will change BIG TIME and soon.
Silver to $100.
JPM leader in bad shape with a heart attack. He knows
how bad his silver situation is.

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