Topic: Nobody asked me but.....

jpdell33    -- 02-21-2019 @ 11:09 AM
  Has anyone ever noticed that whenever our crowd gets
the least bit enthusiastic about the price of gold and
silver finally making a breakout higher, we get poked
in the eye by the powers that be.  Silver and Gold had
been moving up smartly but last night and today are
down sharply.  Maybe, just maybe, we should temper our
enthusiasm somewhat. Try keeping our comments muted,
like we always expect to be hammered to end any price
runnup.  Who knows, it just might be different the
next time.

bmurphy    -- 02-21-2019 @ 11:28 AM
  Hi there,
Very appropriate comment.
But it is no fun being negative after all these
horrendous years. I am so sick of it as is
most every one.
The Gold Cartel does their thing over and over again.
Seems to me they have big trouble with gold. And, if
I might, our enthusiasm over gold has been right on
Good times ahead, but what they are doing with silver
right now is just more of the same.
All the best,
Bill M

jpdell33    -- 02-21-2019 @ 12:06 PM
  It's sweet potato pie when you shut your mouth.

Alabama's "Song of the South".  If you haven't heard
it, the song of is a story of a dirt poor farmer who
loses his farm (and whatever wealth he had) from a
tax sale.  Rather than make a stink, he absorbs his
loss quietly then finds himself much better off when
the powers that be gets him a well paying job with
the TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority public utility).  
Suddenly he's out of poverty and living a good
middle class life.  

Is there a lesson for us here?  Like go with the
flow.  Perhaps study their methodology and beat them
at their own game by anticipating their moves and
moving in their direction before / when they do?

I know that may be too hard to swallow. Just our
luck would be for them to finally lose control and
we all miss the big runup at long last.

jpdell33    -- 06-20-2019 @ 10:47 AM
  Gold above $1350? Probably going to hammered whenst
the Gold Cartel figures out how to maximize any gain
from it. In the meantime I'd suggest keeping any
premature celebration muted. I've often said the world
is divided between those who believe it's comprised of
optimists and pessimists  -  and those who believe
it's realists and fools.

jpdell33    -- 08-07-2019 @ 10:35 AM
  Gold and silver are going through the
roof. Let's not ruin it with gloating.

jpdell33    -- 05-16-2020 @ 3:47 PM
  Let's tone down the celebrations. We're not at the
promised land yet. Still a long ways to go to get to
$3,000/toz as some folks not in our crowd have forcast
for the end of the year. Remember my first post on
this topic - whenever we think things are finally
going our way we get a nasty poke in the eye from the
Gold Cartel.

jpdell33    -- 07-27-2020 @ 5:04 PM
  Sorry Bill, I think you utter famous last words. The
Gold Cartel ain't dead yet. They may retreat for a
while.  These dudes will surely bite us in the butt
when we least expect it. Yet who knows? ... we may get
lucky this time.

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