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Discuss Gold, Silver and other precious metals.
  505 topics   8513 posts   Last post: 07-17-2024 11:20 AM by jpdell33: Gold-Silver ratio for bul...  
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  132 topics   404 posts   Last post: 05-16-2023 11:52 AM by bmurphy: Central Bank Digital Curr...  
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  121 topics   259 posts   Last post: 03-08-2023 10:22 AM by jpdell33: The enemy of your enemy i...  
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  218 topics   501 posts   Last post: 05-31-2024 1:48 PM by jpdell33: Food for thought  
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  12 topics   41 posts   Last post: 02-06-2017 8:18 AM by bmurphy: posting problem  
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